Calling all vets?????????

on 11/26/11 5:38 am
Okay I swore I would NOT be one of the people whining about not losing weight.
I am trying to stay positive. But here goes.
I am 16 days out. Went in to surgery weighing 259 , weighed 251 5 days after sugery and here I am today at 251...
I am telling myself .."hey you have lost 8 pounds which normally would take a month" 
My little person on my shoulder is saying don't miss out on the 6-12 "golden" time for losing..
I am still on full liquids getting about 60-70 grm of protien and drinking 60-75 oz. water.
I am going to starting walking Monday on the treadmill haven't yet as I have been a little dizzy.
Any comments or advice would be helpful... Even if you are saying it is all fine...PLEASE!
  Highest weight 330 - GW 150  
(deactivated member)
on 11/26/11 6:29 am
All is fine! :)

Yes, this is totally normal. You've prob read about the stalls a lot of u**** early out.. but here's a great post I "borrowed" from a great DSer that explains what's behind it.. Just stay the course and it passes, eventually. You will likely have them along the way, and you may likely even "gain" a little from time to time.. as long as you are tracking, and recording what you are eating and drinking, you'll realize these are just fluid fluctuations and nothing to get in a worry about. Just weather the scale changes, and if it effects your mood too much, get rid of the scale for a bit!

Here's that post: ops-About-that-first-quotstallquot-gt/
on 11/26/11 7:17 am
16 days out and you are worried about the 6-12 "golden" months??  Oh, sweetie, this is not a sprint, this is a marathon.  Do not fret if the scale does not move down day after day, because it won't.  It will go up a pound or two, stay there a while, drop a half, drop another, maybe two, stay there a while...keep tracking your water and protein and exercise.  Two months will become three, and then six, and then nine, and you will get close to goal if you are focused on that and then the last few lbs will hang around for a month...but if you don't give up and start eating empty calories you will reach whatever your goal is.  But there will be stops and starts and temptations to quit because eating used to be what our lives revolved around and now things are different.  Be patient with yourself and your body.  It's adjusting...
on 11/26/11 7:33 am
Deep breath. Long drink of water, another, one are normal !!! It's just a stall. We each lose weight in a different way. Some more quickly than others, and each at his or her own pace. And that pace changes as our bodies change too.

Slow loser ? who knows ! You are waaaay too early in the process to even know that ! And so what if you are ? My weight loss is considered "slow" by many here....but for me, it is nothing but a miracle ! The miracle is that I have been fat all my 55 years (save a few years around 20 to 27) and if you add up what I lost pre-op in 5 months 34 pounds and add those to what I have lost post-op in 10 months..... 86 pounds that makes a total weight loss of 120 pounds in 15 months !!! Now, tell me when you have ever done THAT ???!!! Is that slow ? Not to me, not at all. Did I stall ? Of course. 3 weeks the first time from week 3 to through week 6 -- eating almost nothing !! recently too -- a whole month fighting the same pound up and down, up and down for an entire month. And then, without any reason for it, the scale started a slow....very slow trend...2 ounces one day down, and then another the next day. Two more the next day and another ounce the next -- a half a pound in a week !!! And then again for another week....another pound gone. Don't fight the process....just give into it. Eat what you are supposed to, get some kind of exercise in most days of the week; and you WILL get there !!!
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 11/26/11 9:08 am - Sacramento, CA
Bah, you're not even a month out!  And you're likely adjusting to new biochemistry, you've gotten to that horrible 2-3 week point we all hate.

Relax, find peace, stick to your diet well like you're doing, it will all work out....


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

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