F! I so screwed up

on 12/27/11 9:10 am - Norfolk, VA
Well we had to go run some errands so we stopped at Logans roadhouse for dinner ordered grilled chicken well apparently it wasn't cooked thru and I had a few bites before I realized it was under cooked. Had to run home I was having #2 issues immediatly.
I called the dr to see if I should take or eat anything he recommended crackers to slow it down.

I ate a half a freaking tube before I noticed.
so I've learned 3 things
No more Logan's roadhouse
No more crackers allowed in my home
Crackers are a defiant slider food, I feel the same after eating the last one as I did after the first

Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be consuming straight protein to make up for the trillion carbs I just had.
on 12/27/11 9:12 am - SC
 Wow  Glad you recognize the slider foods.  Undone chicken is a No No....UGH!

Hope you get better soon!
on 12/27/11 10:02 am - Canada
I find it so interesting how different  foods are so different with different people .. whoa that's a lot of differents LOL
With me I can only have about three crackers and I feel stuffed.. mind you they are the larger multigrain breton ones, and I usually put some tuna, pb or cheese on them, I have had one or two without and still get full on the third.
At least you notice this and will be more aware next time.
I still have issues with eating too fast. It's like I forget to slow down, cuz I don't get any signs that tell me to. I think I will get a little timer and keep it in front of me so I can see how much more time I should be taking.
on 12/27/11 1:36 pm - Norfolk, VA
The ones I had were the classic ritz yummmm well no longer live in my house