for those who lost 100-ish lbs in 6 months

on 1/1/12 1:50 am - CT
 i'm completely awestruck at this level of success... and very tempted by it!  are any of you willing to share your "how-to" with me? 

my disclaimers (so don't worry!)
~  i understand that everyone loses at different rate; several of the folks i've seen accomplish this feat started in a similar place as me with similar loss goals
~ my surgeon is my copilot in all of this, & i will be following his plan.  but if there are tweaks/additions to which he agrees to make it even MORE effective... well, i have no good reason not to!  
~ noooo, i won't be on the hunt for you if your plan doesn't work for me... just looking for some framework here :)


HW: 291  SW: 276    
on 1/1/12 1:56 am - TX
 I've hit a 90 pound loss in 5 months, and I am on track to exceed 100 by the 6th month marker. Bear in mind, only 3 of those months are with my sleeve. I worked my butt off for 2 months prior to surgery to lose more weight. 

FLUIDS! I drink 100 or more ounces per day. I rarely drink coffee or tea. Low calorie gatorade, powerade, water, enhanced flavor waters, etc. Fluid is absolutely crucial to the breakdown of fat and to keep your body going.

Exercise. Honestly, I have not made a connection between working out versus not working out and my own weight loss. One week I will work out 4-5 times and lose just as much as I do on weeks I do not work out. This is different for everyone, but bottom line... whether or not it causes you to lose weight, it's an important habit to keep up on. You feel a lot better afterward and it's crucial to long term maintenance. 

Give yourself a little wiggle room. Protein should always be your first choice, but if you're craving that hershey kiss or glass of wine, have it. One every few days is not going to kill you. If you deny yourself everything you enjoy, you will make a monumentally bad screw up down the road. Everyone's will power and discipline is different-- only you know who you are and what you can handle. Make your choices based on how you know you will react to it.

(deactivated member)
on 1/1/12 1:59 am
I lost 93 lbs. to goal in 6.5 months.  I just followed my doctor's plan without cheating or changing strategy during the small stalls, as per his request.  You probably already know my doctor's basic plan.  600-800 cals until goal, over 70 g. of protein, under 40 g. of carbs.  Journal everything you put in your mouth.  Drink like a fish and exercise.  ( I wasn't great at the exercise part, this is a "do as I say, not as I do" situation).
on 1/1/12 2:01 am - Granada Hills, CA
I think I lost about 93 or so in 6 months.

Up until a month ago, i never went over 1000 calories (avg was about 8-900). Now I'm eating about 1200-1300 cal/day but I also exercise/train anywhere from 60-120 min/day.

Never did strictly low carb - but avg has been 50-60 g carbs/day.

And lots of exercise. This was my plan - its worked okay for me. Some people would probably die if they saw some of the things I ate (protein bars oh my!)

Things I do/dont do

- Do not eat fast food
- Do not eat out more than 3-4 times/month.
- Prepare most of my food at home - not too much processed stuff
- lots of protein/water
- dont drink
- no candy/chocolate/sweets/useless sugar (i do eat sugar in my protein/energy bars though)
- eat fruits/veggies

Id say the #1 key to my success is TRACKING everything I eat. I have not missed a day in 6.5 months. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 1/1/12 2:06 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
I have not had surgery yet, so, please forgive me if this sounds dumb. If you are not eating any fruits/veggies. Where are your carbs coming from? Protein and Protein Bars?
on 1/1/12 2:27 am - Granada Hills, CA
I do eat fruits/veggies. I also eat small amounts of bread/dairy. Even some of my sugar free stuff has some carbs in it. Most of my carbs come from protein bars though (i dont eat them every day though). - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 1/1/12 2:33 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
Thanks for the reply, I read your statement wrong. It says "Things I do/dont do". I read it as Things I do not do. Sorry, that make me feel better, I thought I was missing something.
on 1/1/12 2:06 am
I got there by following my surgeon's plan- I was very compliant.  For me, no grazing/mindless snacking is the most important part.  I don't feel like I did anything special.  In some ways it just still feels like magic even though I know it was me and my tool that did all the hard work.  :) 
~ Kim

on 1/1/12 2:22 am - Hot Springs, SD
HAVE A PLAN! I had a plan for everything and every event. When you go to restaurants order with what will re-heat well in mind and be healthy & high in protein. ALWAYS get a to-go box when you receive your meal and portion it out BEFORE you take a bite. I have my own the fridge that is ALWAYS stocked with what I need to stay successful and on track.

LISTEN and FOLLOW your surgeon's directions.


Stay CONSISTENT even when you are going through a stall-it WILL pass...I promise.

SUCCESS will be yours!!!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.   Phil: 4:13    View more of my photos at
on 1/1/12 3:01 am - Buckeye, AZ
I stuck to around 800 - 900 calories a day & will maintain low carb til I hit goal. I track everything that goes in my mouth & learned that drinking any alcohol will prevent me from losing at that time. When I don't track I snack more & don't loose. I plan my meals & still enjoy food but have learned a better balance of convience & healthy protein to keep me going. I lost 105 pounds at myvsix month.
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