Dreamfields Pasta

Kevin H.
on 6/18/12 11:26 pm, edited 6/19/12 12:16 am - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 Last night at the support group meeting we talked about good healthy choices of foods to eat.   The speaker discussed how unrealistic it is to stay on low carb diets forever.  She discussed how as we get further out we'll be able to eat more and want to start introducing (eventually) some pasta back into our diets as well as more whole grains and fruits and more veggies.  While I don't plan on having a huge plate of spaghetti, I do enjoy making home made Racetrack soup and I like to put some macaroni in it.  

She mentioned a new pasta (new to us since no one at the meeting had ever heard of it) from a company called Dream Fields that has a patent on a technology in making this pasta that only allows the body to absorb or digest 5g of carbs.   Has anyone tried this out or have any experience with it?  The speaker mentioned how with her grandmother being a diabetic they took her blood sugar before she ate this pasta.  One hour after eating it they took it again and it only went up 5 points.  She was amazed at how unheard of for a diabetics sugar to only go up 5 points after eating a plate full of pasta.

This is their website:


This is taken from their website:
Why do you say that Dreamfields Pasta only has 5 grams of digestible carbs when the nutrition label states that it has 41 grams of carbohydrates?   While the total number of carbohydrates is the same as traditional pasta, our patent-pending formula and unique manufacturing process protects all but 5 grams of carbohydrates from being digested. The Dreamfields fiber and protein blend creates a protective barrier to reduce starch digestion in the small intestine. The unabsorbed, or protected carbohydrates then pass to the colon where they are fermented, providing the same health benefits as fiber.


on 6/18/12 11:29 pm
I'm one of those that believes that carbs are carbs...and do not subtract any of this fiber stuff.

It still takes up precious belly real estate and that space could be better served with protein, IMO. If you want a pasta substitute as you get farther out (like once you reach goal), try shirataki noodles.

HW: 280; SW: 255; GW1: 150; CW: 155.

Anne D.
on 6/18/12 11:38 pm
Veggies and fruit are healthy carbs. You don't have to stay low carb forever. But in my opinion stay away from grains, stick with protein, vegetables, fruit, in that order. And anything that has a label or a health claim should be avoided, aka frankenfoods. Just what works for me, my opinion only. Good luck.
Traci M.
on 6/18/12 11:37 pm - CT
VSG on 03/13/12
It taste just like reg pasta THE BEST!!you would never know the diff.But its not new I've been buying it for about 2 years if not more.I buy mine at shoprite.Its more expensive but sooo worth it for the taste and less carbs.


Kevin H.
on 6/18/12 11:58 pm, edited 6/19/12 12:01 am - Baltimore, MD
VSG on 02/06/12
 Thanks Traci.  I'm not against Frankenfoods .. if we didn't have science and technology there wouldn't be a VSG to help us loose weight, no T.V. or computers, no penicillin to save our lives, no pictures of the far away planets .. and the list goes on.

If I can once again enjoy pasta from time to time as another alternative I'm all for it.  Lord knows that after 5 months of eating shakes, cheese and whatever else .. I sure could use a little different things to make it interesting, let alone after its been a few years?

 One of the topics last night was eating the same things over and over and over again and how eventually it gets so boring that we will most likely turn to bad choices just to break up the monotony of eating the same things all the time.  I get 70g of protein a day just in 1 shake and 1 bottle of Isopure so I don't necessarily have to just eat all protein all the time, most of the time sure .. but ALL the time? That just isn't realistic.  Humans need some changes once in a while or it gets old and boring.


Traci M.
on 6/19/12 12:15 am - CT
VSG on 03/13/12
I know how you feel PASTA is my weakness.OH boy how I love all kinds of italian food.When I started this process I just decided I wsnt even gonna buy it and have it in my house.Soooo I haven't had it for a year now Wow...but day b4 yest I felt like havin something difffor once.I had a box of dreamfield spaghetti in the cabinet sooi took like no lie maybe the size of a quarter and cooked it with shrimp few diced tomatoes garlic onions and of course olivee oil. I had maybe 3 bites.YUMMY I ate mostly the shrimp and I had leftovers still sittin in the frig and you know what? Don't even bother me I don't want it goin in the garbage I'm satisfied with my 3 bites.And you know what I don't see anything wrong with that.Either does my nut.Now I understand 4 some it might not work but I'm proud of myself I've come along way because the old me would of ate half a box my self!! GO ME!! @ USF wife....I love spaghetti squash def great also


Traci M.
on 6/18/12 11:51 pm - CT
VSG on 03/13/12
Oh yeah and btw has7grams of protein


Traci M.
on 6/18/12 11:54 pm - CT
VSG on 03/13/12
one more thing lol Dr.Oz was just promoting it also If your gonna have pasta this is def the one to choose.


on 6/19/12 12:03 am
I eat it on occasion, but then again, I eat regular pasta more often than buying that stuff. Of course didn't until maintenance, it's not "new", it's been in the "diabetes" realm of "approved" foods for years.

Spaghetti squash is a good alternative as well. I add it in with my family's pasta and they are none the wiser other than the fact that the "noodles" are different in appearance.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Ashley G.
on 6/19/12 12:10 am - SC
I am glad you brought that up Kevin, I was wondering the same thing.  I have been eating it for a couple years as well, I get it at Publix.  I wasn't sure if the label was correct, but I thought it had to be healthier for me than regular pasta.

I absolutely love pasta! (Unfortunately)  I do plan on maintaining the diet that we all know and love, but you are right.  Every once in a while you have to break out of the same old monotonous foods.  

I also bought some spaghetti squash the other day and I am going to try a recipe I found on AllRecipies.com.  


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