
on 10/10/12 3:37 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12
It's been a rough month emotionally.  I think I'm officially depressed today.

I go back to see my nutritionist tomorrow. I've only lost 4 pounds in this 4th month since surgery!  Part of it is me and letting some carbs slip back in.  Part of it is that I came off the birth control pill this month.  Another part is that I think my sleeve is too big.  I can definitely eat more than many of you without problem, even dense protein.  I honestly don't see how so many of you can eat between 600-800 calories without feeling empty, but I see so many people on here that have lost nearly twice what I have in the same time period.  It's frustrating.

Is there any truth to an adult set point?  I weigh almost exactly what I did when I graduated high school.  Is that why I'm stuck?

I think it's time to see a therapist for my eating.  I so often feel deprived and want things I should not have.  Especially now when my weight is so stalled.  I want to eat a candy bar and go to bed.
on 10/10/12 3:54 am - Granada Hills, CA
It would take me all day to recount all of these moments ive had in the last couple of years - we get so wrapped up and obsessed with this whole process that sometimes we crash...I finally went and got on anti-depressants because I thought it was majorly depressed (the problem is my thoughts though and not my brain chemisty because they arent helping lol).

Just try and refocus once in a while. Take the "only" out of 4, look at your success since surgery, not just on a day to day, week to week or month to month basis.

Think about some non-scale related goals - think of something that you want to accomplish and set out to do that. It will give you the satisfaction that you are trying to get from the scale. The scale is evil - it lies to us - we cant let the scale win.

And try not to compare yourself to others! - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 10/10/12 5:12 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12
 Thank you for your reply.  I'm on the verge of tears today, just so frustrated.

I do already take an antidepressant and have off and on for several years for anxiety and some OCD behaviors.  It's actually the best one I've ever been on so far, so I don't think that's it.  It may primarily be hormones today.

Overall, I've done pretty well.  The stalls just get me so far down, like I'm working so hard for nothing.  I know it's the carbs that have nailed me.  I started sneaking them in to deal with some emotional issues and started my downfall.
on 10/10/12 4:15 am
Definitely go see the therapist if you think that will help.  Even those of us who are successful have some inner food demons and/or suffer from other issues in our personal lifet that can definitely hinder the weight loss.  I am actually going to see my doctor next week to be referred to a counselor to help me with some issues too.  I've never seen a therapist before, except when it was required pre-op for surgery but I got nothing out of it.  I'm actually going to see one but it's not related to my eating ... I just need some guidance & support for some other personal stuff.

If you have let carbs back into your diet so early out I can say that is why your weight has stalled.  Why do I know?  Because it happened to me too at month's 5 & 6 during the holidays.  I still lost 7.5 pounds in month 5 & nothing in month 6 and I knew exactly why.  I had to come to grips with myself because I knew it was my own doing. 

Losing weight is hard gurl... if it was easy, we'd all be thin.  It's going to be life long struggle for me but I'm up for the challenge.  Stay strong, you can do this!!!




on 10/10/12 5:15 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12
 I saw a therapist after my daughter was born for postpartum issues.  It did help then.  

I think I just need someone to give it to me straight about my coping skills using food, especially through the holidays.  I never deal well with the holidays, stresswise or foodwise.

I know it's the carbs too, but I can't seem to help myself some days.  That's why I think I need help. 
Sara R.
on 10/10/12 5:21 am
Seeing a therapist will help you in so many ways. i hope things get better for you. I have been there and know what you are going through. And, yes, there is an adult set point but, even though you feel like you sleeve is huge, you can change your set point. Your body could be adjusting and you have lost inches or tightened up a little or the stress is making you hold on to water. Just try to breath and relax. You will continue to lose weight. Hang in there and stick to plan.
on 10/10/12 7:38 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12
 Thanks!  I just need to put on my "big girl panties" and deal today.  Stalls just wear me out emotionally.
on 10/10/12 5:49 am - WA
VSG on 05/21/12
Seeing a theapist is never a bad thing in my book.
If it helps at al,l my surgery was 2 weeks before yours and my stats are very similar. This last month I have lost 5 Lbs. 27 of my total loss was preop.
The pauses really get to me also, I still don't beleive I can do this.
I eat about 800-900 cals a day and at times I am hungry/empty. My capacity is about 2-3 oz dense protein but if combined with veggies or fruit 1 cup.

Keep your head up and do WHATEVER YOU need to succeed on this lifelong journey!

You can message me if you need support or to "talk"

Band 5/2006          Revision to VSG 5/2012

on 10/10/12 7:40 am - TN
VSG on 06/11/12
 Thank you.  I lost 37 before surgery and 45 since.  I really shouldn't be complaining, but I'm just frustrated today.  

Hopefully my NUT will have some clues for me or at least tell me to stop putting carbs in my mouth!
on 10/10/12 8:47 am - WA
VSG on 05/21/12
Oddly I have really stepped up my exercise this month too, including weight training. Its OK to complain and be frustrated, all of us are and do at some point.
Hope your feeling better soon, I do get it.

Band 5/2006          Revision to VSG 5/2012

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