Need suggestions for exercise after accident

on 10/28/12 8:59 am - Hayward, CA

Hello --- It has been a while since I have posted.   15 days ago I passed out because of dehydration and hit the back of my head on concrete.   I was rushed to the ER and had a million tests (and probably a million dollars too.) I was given fluids and was sent home to rest for a week and not to be left alone.   I had a nasty bruise on my face where we think I bounced off the retaining wall and a goose egg on the back of my head.   I iced my head for a week to help the healing process.  I was told to wait 2 weeks before  I resumed exercising.

So last Friday I went back to the gym.   Started on the treadmill at 2 incline, 2.5 miles an hour.   About 5 minutes into it my head was pounding and I thought I would throw up.   I kept it up for 20 minutes and it wasn't getting any better so I went to the bike thinking that maybe it was the bounce involved with the treadmill.   It didn't get any better.   I can home and ate some cheese and laid down.   About 4 hours later I felt better.  I called my PCP and she said that I need to wait another week and maybe try the bike first.   She has a feeling that it was cause my a raise heartbeat.  

So any suggestions for exercises that I can do at home without fancy equipment that won't raise my pulse?   I look forward to hearing from you... now I am off to drink my fluids.

on 10/28/12 9:26 am

Can you walk around your neighborhood?

on 10/28/12 9:39 am
VSG on 04/25/13
  1. Walking
  2. Bicep curls with soup cans
  3. Tricep extensions with soup ccans
  4. Wall squats
  5. Heel raises
  6. Dancing
  7. wall push-ups 
  8. cleaning 

Hope you're well soon!  Be sure to take care of you. 


