Constipated after increased protein and lowered carbs....HELP

on 5/3/13 7:43 am
Please : )
on 5/3/13 7:47 am
VSG on 02/25/13

Make sure you're drinking lots of water.

I had this problem and my surgeon recommended Colace. It does not cause colon dependency and it seems to do the trick.  I take a pill every morning.

on 5/3/13 7:52 am

Totally normal (and same here!!)!   I think the first issue is how recently you've changed your diet/  may take time for your body to catch up to the changes... and get into new habits.  Your "normal" has changed so don't expect the same as you had been.

 I spoke to my surgeon today about it.  He said that some people have felt better by increasing water consumption.  He personally believes that since there is a lot less going in (ie: eating less) so there will be naturally be a lot less going out.  He suggested that we can try increasing some of the leafy-greens and /or add some Benefiber to our diets.  I couldn't find Benefiber so I bought a new product called FiberSmart (same stuff: clear and tasteless and no grit... can be added to any solids or liquids).  Read directions and proceed slowly so you are comfortable.  

One of my friends, a nurse, suggested Colace.  I tried that, but it was a bit too much for me and came with a bit of cramping and urgency...

Best advice:  everyone is different.  See what your doctor's or nutritionist's office recommends.  Good luck!!  :)



on 5/3/13 7:54 am
VSG on 12/27/12
Bean soup or vegetarian chili works for me when I have a problem.. Extra fiber. If your 'name' means you had surgery in 2012, me too... I find a couple cucumber slices or a couple bites of leafy greens helps also.
on 5/3/13 8:16 am
I had vsg on 12/11/12. I had no problems before going to the bathroom. In fact, I was thrilled over the regularity and over looked these posts about constipation, however recently I've noticed that I've been going off plan more then I should have been and wanted to nip that right away so I went back to the basics which cut my carb intake quite a bit and increased my protein by 20 grams and NOW I'm constipated and... I DON'T like it : (
on 5/3/13 8:37 am

I found glycerin suppositories worked best if you had the urge, but it wouldn't come out.  Then Miralax in your morning protein shake or whatever everyday after that. 


on 5/3/13 8:38 am

You make a choice if you choose a low carb approach- deprive your system of fiber to get the carbs low thinking that it is the only way to lose weight (not true) or work fiber into your diet and still lose the weight.  It is a choice folks.  

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 5/3/13 9:20 am - TX
I take a probiotic everyday and it helps.


on 5/3/13 1:30 pm
VSG on 05/31/12

Here is what I do and have been doing so for 10 months now.  Every morning in my protein shake I add 2 tbsp of Trader Joe's Secrets of the Egyptians Psyllium Husks.  Basically all the carbs are fiber.  Then and more importantly is that I add flaxseed to various things through out the day.  I am in maintenance now so I eat oatmeal as my dinner each night.  I put two tablespoons of flaxseed into the oatmeal.  By the way make sure that if you get the whole flax seeds that you grind them first or get them already ground.  If getting them already ground make sure that it says that they were cold milled.  Heat applied to the flaxseed tends to work toward loosing some of the nutritional value.  Flaxseed besides being a fiber is also high in Omega 3s which is also something good for us at this time.  As you know Omega 3s are kind of an oil as you get them in Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Fish Oil.  These oils help slide things along so to speak.

So basically increase your fiber intake and I would highly emphasize using flaxseed if you are not already doing so.


Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do their “practice”?  -  George Carlin             


on 5/3/13 1:30 pm
VSG on 05/31/12


Here is what I do and have been doing so for 10 months now.  Every morning in my protein shake I add 2 tbsp of Trader Joe's Secrets of the Egyptians Psyllium Husks.  Basically all the carbs are fiber.  Then and more importantly is that I add flaxseed to various things through out the day.  I am in maintenance now so I eat oatmeal as my dinner each night.  I put two tablespoons of flaxseed into the oatmeal.  By the way make sure that if you get the whole flax seeds that you grind them first or get them already ground.  If getting them already ground make sure that it says that they were cold milled.  Heat applied to the flaxseed tends to work toward loosing some of the nutritional value.  Flaxseed besides being a fiber is also high in Omega 3s which is also something good for us at this time.  As you know Omega 3s are kind of an oil as you get them in Olive Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Fish Oil.  These oils help slide things along so to speak.

So basically increase your fiber intake and I would highly emphasize using flaxseed if you are not already doing so.


Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do their “practice”?  -  George Carlin             


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