Does Anyone Else Get Self Conscious When People See You After The Loss?

Diana E.
on 9/14/13 12:47 pm
VSG on 03/27/13

Mostly..... when they don't recognize you.  Yes, yes, yes a million times, I am so proud of how far I have come... and I am fully aware that I have a ways to go.  But so, so, so many people don't recognize me anymore.  Today, I saw a friend in a parking lot of a store.  I know her really well.  But also didn't realize that while we talk on the phone a few times a week and daily on FB, I hadn't actually seen her face to face in about 3 months.  I pulled up, started chatting with her daughter (who is a really good friend of my daughter) and she walked up and started chatting with me too... about 2 minutes into the conversation she stopped mid sentence, hugged me and started going on and on about how great I looked and that she had no idea who she was talking to until I mentioned something specific we shared in common.  She kept saying she couldn't believe it was me.

I'm telling you... this happens to me CONSTANTLY.  There are people I know casually that I see through my kids school/church (one in the same)..and I know for a fact, they don't recognize me at all.  They walk right past me, look at me odd when I wave or say hello.  I feel like I need to wear a name badge.  And in all honesty.. when I go somewhere social, I stick close to my kids and/or my husband so people can put 2 and 2 together.

Please tell me I am not alone in feeling odd like this..... and I have a feeling this is going to happen all over again when the last 50-70 come off.

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 9/14/13 12:58 pm - HI
VSG on 05/13/13

Heck no!!  I love it when they don't recognize me.  That just tells me how far I have come. Don't be upset by this.  You are changing and it will take people a while to adjust the the "new you".  The thing I like is when realization hits and the look on their faces.  Priceless.  Enjoy it.  It's a cheap pleasure.

Diana E.
on 9/14/13 1:03 pm
VSG on 03/27/13

I just posted my first pic of myself on FB since surgery... figured, I can probably help curb the problem by showing people what the heck I look like!  LOL

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




Member Services
on 9/14/13 1:45 pm - Irvine, CA

After reading your post I thought you might like this article there are a couple of anecdotes that are similar to yours.  Enjoy. oments-3/


Diana E.
on 9/14/13 4:25 pm
VSG on 03/27/13

Thanks! kiss

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




Diana E.
on 9/14/13 4:31 pm
VSG on 03/27/13

This one cracked me up.. because of something I said to my surgeon..

"When I was immediately out of surgery, I called my kids to let them know that I was OK. So my older son says, “Well are you skinny yet?” And I said, “ Not yet.” My son then replied,“Oh, what a jip!” I could have fallen out of the bed. Classic. –tammy12345"


When my surgeon came to check on me later in the day, after surgery, I was still heavily medicated.  He asked how I was doing, and I said I was really upset with his surgical skills.  He had a very shocked look on his face.... and I said "what the hell, I'm still fat!"  He about fell over laughing.  Of course, it took my husband to remind me a day and a half later that I actually said that.  Took me about 2 or 3 days before I actually recalled the encounter.  (they had some mighty fine pain killers)

HW- 318    SW- 310    CW- 194.4    GW- 170-ish  Onderland: 10/30/2013




on 9/14/13 10:00 pm
VSG on 08/06/12 with
A couple months ago I was at a gun show and saw a friend I hadn't seen for a couple years. I said, "Hey Clyde." He looked at me funny and walked on. I was offended and verbally said "Asshole."

On the next pass down another aisle, he comes up to me and says, "Tommy, I didn't recognize you, you've lost so much weight you don't look like the same person." I apologized for the asshole comment and have since kept in mind that if you haven't seen me recently you may not recognize "Big Tom"

WLS doesn't just affect the patient. It affects family, friends, coworkers, and even casual acquaintances in unexpected ways..
on 9/14/13 10:06 pm - Gilbert, AZ
I do experience the holy cow is that you reaction from others at times. Compounding the problem is my use of hair pieces due to hair loss. The reaction can be flattering but overwhelming. I have had to remind myself of a few things. I have had a loooong time to get used to the gradual weight loss. And I only actually see myself for just a few minutes a day in the mirror while getting ready. Others see you all day and notice lots about you.
on 9/14/13 10:46 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Usually when people don't recognize me, I only find out because they finally figure it out... and come up to me to say, "I didn't even recognize you!".... so I haven't really had any awkward moments where I've spoken to someone and they were like WTF, who are you? lol

The attention is a bit overwhelming though. It's everywhere that I turn. People really make a big deal about it. I struggle with this... but usually do ok if the person just says, "You look so great!" and then moves the conversation... but of course, usually the conversation doesn't end there! I've tried to stay low key on Facebook... but I've been updating my profile picture every couple of months quietly so that maybe people aren't super shocked when they see me? I know that sounds weird... but I'm just trying to keep the attention down. Some attention is good.... lots of attention is overwhelming. Maybe someday I will learn to embrace it?

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 9/14/13 11:56 pm
VSG on 05/01/13
I always have and always will be uncomfortable being the center of attention...
I recently had a BBQ at a friends house that I hadn't seen since July..and althought she. And my close friends know about the surgery, she had a yard full of people I am just acquainted with...when they give me the " reaction" I for some odd reason
I Roll my eyes upward to avoid eye contact and kind of grimace, I don't know why, it's kinda subconscience...I just do it, especially with men...and that BBQ inparticular had a lot of men that didn't know ...their jaws actually dropped for me and the hubby, can't say I haven't been recognized yet, but I'm normally w/ my family so they get who I will be interesting on back to school nite...LOL!


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