Post Op Update

Sasha A.
on 7/25/03 4:15 am - Buckley, WA
Ok well it appears that my last post was a little premature. I was doing fine and everything was well. But at about 11-12 days post op I had lots of trouble breathing. I figured it was gas since I had not been able to get rid of some gas in my shoulder. I went to the Wish Center on Monday morning 7/21/03 and they ordered a cat scan on my lungs and stomach. It turns out that I have a blood clot in the lungs. I was admitted to the hospital and placed on blood thinners. After they got my blood levels where they need to be they placed me on coumadin which I will take for the next 6 months. I was released home last night. I do feel a lot better. Breathing doesn't hurt anymore! But I am just a worrywart. So any pain/discomfort I get I am worried it is something worse. To be honest I was feeling so good that I assumed I was out of the woods for anything like this. I guess not! I mostly want to post and let everyone know that I am ok and also let everyone know that if you have any pain that just doesn't go away, go to the doctor!!! I feel it is important to let everyone know the good and bad that can occur. On the good news I lost 18lbs in 15 days! I am hoping for more of the same where that is concerned.
Amanda P.
on 7/25/03 5:14 am - Wa
WOW Sasha, thank GOD you went in and they found them when they did!! That is my biggest worry WHEN I ever get my surgery(Im in insurance HELL) Im so glad your home and doing fine now. As you said, the good new you lost 18lbs, a big CONGRATS to you!! Warmest wishes to you for much continued success(with no more complications)!!!! Take care.****Amanda
Hilda R.
on 7/26/03 2:27 am - Bucoda, WA
Sasha, So glad to hear you are doing O.K. Thank God you had it checked out. I am curious though, were you not taking heparin for clotting already? I was told that I would be giving myself shots twice a day for two weeks to prevent the chance of clots. I guess I'm just wondering if there is anything that prevents them. You can probably tell, they scare me.....I even had an ultrasound on my legs done to rule out DVTs. (I was paranoid with no history) Anyway, thank God you're alright!!! and BIG CONGRATS on the 18# Keep us posted.
Brandi S.
on 7/26/03 3:52 am - Mount Vernon, wa
Well its a very good thing that you are a worry wart. Im glad you are doing better and thanks for letting us know one of the things to look out for. Way to go on the 18 lbs weight loss. Thats great. Hope the rest of your journey goes alot smoother. Look forward to hearing more. Brandi
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