Do exclusions mean NO everytime?

(deactivated member)
on 8/8/03 4:53 am
i am going to get a referal from my PCP on tuesday. I called my insurance and they gave me the name of a gastrointerology clinic that is on their list of providers. The clinic affirmed what my ins. told me and said they also have 4 bariatric surgeons on staff at the clinic so i am getting my referal to one of them. Of course my ins. now tells me there is a written exclusion to WLS now i'm almost discouraged before i've began help! wendy
on 8/8/03 6:08 am - University Place, WA
My insurance is Regence (sucky insurance) and they have a written exclusion that says absolutely NO. No means no in this case, not even able to appeal. Check out Erin B's posting yesterday. Hers has different wording than mine, and she might be able to appeal. Get a copy of the document to see what it really says. Good Luck.
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