I'm doing great.

Miss Mary
on 5/6/11 12:32 pm - Huntsville, AL
The tornado last week wiped the house I was living in off the map but we weren't hurt. Most know that I live with a elderly lady. She is 82 and a wonderful person. We were really  blessed. I saw the twister approaching and got her in the hall and covered with a mattress. The whole roof, ceiling and all was tore off and the whole front of the house was gone. The tornado picked us up about 6 inches and I pressed as hard as I could with my feet on one side and my shoulder on the other. It dropped us back down on a bed of glass. Her son in law came to the front of the house and asked if we were alright. I said yes and he went to check on others. The whole neighborhood is gone. I was barefoot of course but managed to find some shoes and got Mrs. C up and to a chair in what used to be a den. Got her shoes on and took her to the car and sat her down then went back into the house and started hunting pictures. I loaded her car up with pictures and clothes. She lost everything but she is doing great. We stayed the first 8 nights with my son and daughter in law. We got power on at my house around noon yesterday. So I've been busy trying to get her room fixed up. She has her own bedroom, bathroom and walk in closet. I've lived with her for two years now she can live with me. Mrs. C did not have so much as a scratch on her. I had a small nick on my leg, not even large enough for a bandaid. I cracked a couple ribs to but that is nothing new for me. Today was the first day they haven't really bothered me. So I'm doing great.
We had a very eventful first night.at my house. About 6-8 weeks ago a man down the road put his pitbull inside my fence with my bull masfitt. Moose had some pretty severe bites. He did it again last night. I had to call the police and file a report. I've waited all day for the animal control officer to arrive but of course that didn't happen so it will probably be Monday before anything is done. Moose wasn't hurt as bad this time. But he was up all night barking. I was afraid the man would come back and bring his dog again. With me being deaf I might not here it until it was to late. So I was up all night guarding the guard dog. Applying for a gun Monday, that will take care of that problem.
Thanks to everyone who has held us in your prayers. God has been very good to us. Love, Miss Mary
(deactivated member)
on 5/6/11 9:57 pm - Midland City, AL
 Lord Jesus was with Miss Mary.    I still say Erma Bombeck has nothing on you.  You should write a book.  It would be a hit.  Your life has never been dull.

Miss Mary, I know life has been full or trying times for you and humor has gotten you through it but all joking aside you are without a doubt a walking angel on this earth

Kim S.
on 5/8/11 11:00 pm - Helena, AL
I second that!  Write a book--I'll put in on my Kindle!  So sorry about the loss of things, but the most important--your lives were spared!  You can always get more "stuff".

I'm mad about this person putting your dog in danger!  Please make the police take care of the problem.

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