Hurtful Comment

on 3/24/11 7:44 am - Auburn, CA
So, I started this journey at 270 the day of surgery. I am almost 11 months out (the 27th of this month) and I am down to 136. I have gone from being super morbidly obese to NORMAL! WOO HOO!!! I have literally worked my ass off.

So, here is the husband has a friend. His name is Rob. Rob weighs about 500lbs but would never have surgery because that is the easy way out. Anyway, Rob called my husband because he is out of food & money. I end up going over to Rob's house last night after work to give him some groceries and some cash to help pull his through until he gets his pension check. He is asking me about my weight loss, etc. Then he asks me how much I currently weigh. I tell him. He then proceeds to tell me that I am on the high side of normal and says that I can probably stand to lose another 20 or so pounds. What the hell? Why would you even say that? I have serious esteem issues with my extra skin and I am so self conscious about it. He knows this. Now my head is all effed up because I just keep thinking that I still look overweight to people. It just really ****** me off! Am I being too sensitive?
SW:270         GW: 125         CW:104(and still losing)
New Goal Weight: Whereever my body feels most comfortable and stops losing.

Abdominoplasty with Dr. Scott Green: 10/11/11
on 3/24/11 7:51 am - ROCK ISLAND, IL
No you are not being to sensitive. He is jelous of what you have done and he is hurting you to make himself feel better. You have done not let a jackass ruin how great you are!
(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 7:56 am

Plain and simple. There's also a bit of pride-bruising seeing as how you were over there to help him out.  I've lost friends in the past from the mere act of trying to help them out when they are down.  I don't understand how and why; especially since there wasn't stipulations as to paying me back...but sometimes it bruises people's egos when they NEED your help and you give it. 

Plus he NEEDS to lose weight.  Your weight loss is a reminder of his need.  Instead, he chose to show that he had a chip on his shoulder and make a biting remark.  In his head, he may have felt that you were 'stinging him' - in your mere presence, your thinness may have been a stinging reminder.  I would have probably made a biting remark; but if you are a good person, you'll see his inadequacies and show a little mercy and ignore him...hard enough, but possible.  Me?  I'd of been mean as hell and said something nasty.

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 7:58 am
first let me say congrats on the awesome weight lost. that is awesome. Second, yes you are being too sensitive, consider the source, Rob is just jealous of you so please so please do not let what he said bring you down. You have done a awesome job, this is not the easy way out by any means.. You know the old  saying misery loves company. He knows that this will bother you, just shake it off, pray for him to realize he needs to do something about his weight before it is too late. Stay focus on all the good work you have done, I am proud of you girl.. take care
on 3/24/11 7:59 am - Auburn, CA
Thanks. I honestly wanted to say something mean, but I was just shocked. Like i do not think I could have been in any more disbelief if a penis spouted out of his forehead! I just did not have any clue as to what he needed to say that for.
SW:270         GW: 125         CW:104(and still losing)
New Goal Weight: Whereever my body feels most comfortable and stops losing.

Abdominoplasty with Dr. Scott Green: 10/11/11
(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 3:46 pm - San Diego, CA
He is jealous because he obviously thinks *he* would fail such a surgery.  You on the other hand, are skinny, happy, and successful.  Tell him I said:

<--------------------------HATERS TO THE LEFT!!!!!

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/24/11 7:59 am
No. You are normal. We are overly sensitive.. That will pass too.  (((HUGS)) 
Just do not go to the moron house anymore.  He has many issues.  You do not need to be exposed to someone like that.  Next time things like that happens - tell your hubby to go to see his friend.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/24/11 8:00 am - Auburn, CA far as my husband goes, he is pissed! He is like ready to kill! I do not think that they will be friends anymore!
SW:270         GW: 125         CW:104(and still losing)
New Goal Weight: Whereever my body feels most comfortable and stops losing.

Abdominoplasty with Dr. Scott Green: 10/11/11
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/24/11 9:03 am
Glad to hear you have a good guy there.  Some people just do not deserve to have friends.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 3:48 pm - San Diego, CA
And you are doing a solid charity deed for that idiot too...goes to show you how no good deed goes unpunished.  Sorry he chose to say that nonsense.
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