Tight Jeans

on 3/26/11 1:28 am - Ann Arbor, MI
....So I am 6 1/2 weeks post-op and was just wondering when the swelling and bloating will go down in my abdomen??

I have lost about 35 lbs and I have shrunk every where but in my torso LOL.
I was trying on some jeans I haven't been able to fit into in about 5 years and when I use to wear them I was about 10-15 lbs more than what I weigh right now and they use to be baggy in the tummy area, now they hang on me but are SNUG & tight in the tummy area, in fact I would probably be a whole size smaller if it wasn't for the my abdomen! If fact my bras don't even feel looser.

Good news though, my double chin is almost gone and no swelling or edema in my ankles any more : )

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Mary Catherine
on 3/26/11 3:56 am
 If you had laposcopic surgery, I think that swelling would be long gone by now.  Do any of your incisions look puffy or infected?  Are you drinking enough water and having regular bowel movements? Please check with your surgeon.
on 3/26/11 4:01 am - Onalaska, WI

We can't control where the weight comes off.  I bet by the next time you remember to try those jeans on, they will be too big.  That's what happend to me.


on 3/26/11 4:37 am - Ann Arbor, MI
None of my incisions look puffy or infected, the scabs fell off weeks ago. I know that there can be bloating etc. when people are gassy or constipated, but everything is fine in that dept.(Tmi I know lol) I'm just gonna assume that the tummy/abdomen is the last place i'm gonna lose weight *sigh*

I guess when people lose weight it's not gonna all evenly come off in all areas at the same time.

I use to be "Pear" shaped, now I thing i'm turning into an"Apple" shape LOL
on 3/26/11 7:27 am
 My rear end was/is the biggest part of my anatomy and where I always gained weight first ... it has been the very LAST place where the weight came off of .. go figure ... and is still big in proprotion to the rest of my body and I wear XS go figure...

35 pounds since February WOOT WOOT!!!! that is good news ... you will start to see the difference and then you will be jumping through the sizes ... I won't be surprised that in a week are too those same jeans are going to be so big for you and you will be looking for smaller ones that those even that you too will shrink out of...

Congrats... enjoy the ride... It is soooooooooo good not to have a double chin and it is soooooooo much better to be rid of the edematous and puffy ankles.... I was so glad when those were gone for me.

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


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