Gallbladder Ultrasound

on 3/28/11 8:10 am - Fries, VA
Had an ultrasound of my gallbladder today.  Well..its not good.  Of course I have to wait for the Dr. to call me and discuss the results with me, but the ultrasound tech was awesome and showed me the stones on the screen.  Looks like I have 3 maybe 4 pretty big stones that are moving around, numerous small stones, 2-3 stones that are lodged in the lining of the gallbladder and 2 that are hanging from the top, coming down.  She said I am one biscuit and sausage gravey away from having an attack.  lol... Good thing I don;t eat that stuff.  Soooo...looks like I will more than likely be having it removed soon. 

On an up note, she looked at my liver, my little tummy, my intestines, and listened to the blood flow thru my liver and my aorta.  She said all looks and sound good.

on 3/28/11 9:40 am - Beverly, MA
Im having mine removed wednesday....good luck

Amber L.
on 3/28/11 9:43 am - Sweden
Hey, gall bladder surgery twin! Mine is getting yanked Wednesday, too.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 3/28/11 10:03 am - Red Bush, KY
I just had mine removed on the 19th as well as a hiatal hernia repaired and adhesions removed. For me the surgery was an easy one. I was sore for a few days and doing great now ! I didn't have any stones my gallbladder wasn't empting fast enough.

Good luck to all

Highest Weight 335                      When I came home 330.2
Surgery Weight 321.4                   Current 170

on 3/28/11 11:51 am
according to my doc, mine had more than 100 small stones...   i had it removed last tuesday -- and got a tummy tuck at the same time....   twofer!


To live would be an awfully big adventure -- Peter Pan

on 3/28/11 12:29 pm - Fries, VA
I would love to get a twofer.  I have heard of some people getting their extra skin removed during hernia repair, but not during gallbladder surgery.  That is awesome!
on 3/29/11 2:07 am - Rochester, MI
The TT may not exactly be a twofer. When I was planning to have my GB removed, I asked the surgeon about the TT.  He quoted me an additional 3gs, the anesthesia was another $850, and $1250 more to the hospital. I then asked about doing my arms, and it was exactly the same price. I opted for the arms. I needed that one more than the TT.
Don't know how things work in your neck of the woods...that's how it came down for me. By the way...lovin the arms. It'll be a while before the scars fade. I had it done just over a month ago.
Another loser
anna R.
on 3/29/11 8:43 am
 Good luck to all of you. After having had 14 surgeries mostly orthopedic my gall bladder surgery was the worst. But everyone is different and I am sure you will all be just fine. Getting back to eating has been a bit of a challenge nothing tastes right, my stomach is always sour. Lots of gas. From what I have read though this to should pass, hope it's soon



on 3/29/11 9:15 am - Fries, VA
Surgery is scheduled for April 11th.
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