It's My Ovaries, Stupid!

on 3/30/11 3:40 am - Apopka, FL
I have had hormonal issues and problems with ovarian cysts since I have had periods pretty much. I have also had a lot of adverse reactions to diff birth control medications as well. I have had an inkling that I am probably PCOS but never got it diagnosed as the treatments are usually birth control and weight loss and well... working on both.

One of my best friends is reading this book,  "It's My Ovaries, Stupid!" and it goes into detail about how with women a lot of hormonal stuff is misdiagnosed and mistreated and she actually made a point to tell me how some women's reactions to birth control that puts them in even more of a imbalance are issues that I have been experiencing in the last year and a half that I have had my mirena in (my weight has been steadily increasing but shot up the worst this last year or so and my mood swings have also become  very very bad. Anyways. Was wondering if anyone else read that book and what they thought? i think I am goign to get a used copy off amazon, maybe try and read it when I get home from the hospital. I would hate to have to switch BC again but hey if it could help I am all for it. Just thought I would share this book in case anyone else wanted to check it  out.
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on 3/30/11 4:16 am, edited 4/6/11 7:15 am
I haven't read the book, but I plan on going and getting a copy now!  I've always been a big girl, but my weight really increased the last couple of year, and those are the same years I started using birth control.  Of course, those are also the years I ended puberty and started college.  :-/  Still, I've been talking to MP Surgeons about my weight problems. 
I want to be free, to post a funny status
on 3/30/11 4:20 am - Apopka, FL
What is scary is that I can pinpoint the time i started getting really depressed was approx a month or two after I had my mirena put in after previously being off birth control. that was also when I stopped being able to lose weight and when I really started gaining...  i found this page and a lot of those women are describing the same issues I have had. The more I think about it the more I think I am going to see about getting my mirena taken out and at the very least switch to the copper coil iud instead.
  Unicorns fart rainbows and magic!              HW:272 SW:260 GW:120
 Blog:  Weighed Down: A blog about becoming a former fat girl
No Escape's Channel Join: The Pin -Up Girls: Vixens in progressLilySlim Weight loss tickers
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/30/11 7:31 am
The hormonal BC always made me "crazy":.  Gained weigfht, lost libido... etc. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

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