xpost anyone with fed bcbs denied

crystal W.
on 4/7/11 2:24 am - east liverpool, OH
if you were, what was the reason and did you have to start all over with the supervised diet?

Pamela S.
on 4/7/11 3:35 am - Virginia Beach, VA
No it went fairly smooth and fast. Sorry to hear your having problems.
crystal W.
on 4/7/11 5:30 am - east liverpool, OH
thanks.  not really having any problems yet.  i just gained during my 3 mos of required supervised diet so the nurse doesn't want to submit to the ins co yet. 

I've been trying to find out if anyone was denied for noncompliance (i guess that would be the term) did their plan's brochure specifically state weight had to be maintained or lost during the supervised diet time.  My ins plan just states for revision that you have to had the other surgery at least two years ago and not have lost 50% of your excess weight. 

I just cant decide if I should ask her to go ahead and submit the paperwork or wait until I've lost some weight
Tracy M.
on 4/7/11 6:06 am - KY
I'm not sure if this is what you are asking but I have Anthem BCBS through Medicare and I didn't have to do ANY supervised diet at all. I just started my journey on November 15th and had my surgery on March 22nd. My surgeon required I lose 45 lbs before he would schedule me and once i did that I was scheduled and had my surgery all in less than 5 months. If hew hadn't of required the weight loss it would have been much sooner. When my paperwork was submitted I was approved in 2 days..


Highest known weight- 512
Surgery weight-425
Current Weight- 260
crystal W.
on 4/7/11 9:06 am - east liverpool, OH
Thanks Tracy,

I hope you're doing well.   I can't remember how long it took them to approve the last surgery.  I hope it goes quickly this time
on 4/8/11 2:06 am - IL
2011 is  first year fed bcbs has required a supervised diet before wls, so I do not know if anyone on this board knows the answer about what happens if you gain weight.

When I went through the process I found they were very helpful when I called.  You might try calling them and asking.  If they don't know, they should get back to you.  The number is on the back of your insurance card. 
crystal W.
on 4/8/11 9:16 am - east liverpool, OH
Thank you.

I called 3 times to determine if consistent answers would be given and all 3 ladies I spoke with said since the brochure does not specifically state that weight loss is required during the supervised diet that it should be ok to submit.  But,  there is no way to speak to anyone in the review department to ask  if that would cause a denial.   And I can't find out if it is denied if I'm required to start the 3 months all over.

This was all so much easier in 2007.  I wish I would have gotten the right surgery then!

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
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