Stomach hurting and worried

on 4/10/11 11:20 am - WA
All has been going ok these last 2 weeks post op but friday night my stomach "upper and to left and center" has been hurting. Kinda feels like someone had punched me in the stomach and that sore feeling afterwards. No sharp pains or anything, just sore to touch and when i get up or bend over. Bowels are moving ok today. Still losing weight, no vomiting or dumping. Just really sore tummy:( Any information is so appreciated


on 4/10/11 11:52 am - WA
Hang in there SELF. Figured Id respond to my own topic so id feel better.


on 4/10/11 12:00 pm - FL
I am Still waiting for my RNY, However, I am in the medical field and my advice to you is this, any pain that worries you should be xhecked out. Complications are easier to fix the earlier caught. so, call your surgeon's office at least and let them know what's going on. If there is nothing to worry about it will at least ease your mind. Blessing-Shaemae
on 4/10/11 12:11 pm - Converse, TX
Did you have a hernia repair done? I did and that area was sore for quite some time. It could also be the the pain meds/anesthia has worn off and you are just now feeling the soreness. If anything changes, call your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.
Friends are   who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.      
on 4/10/11 12:50 pm - WA
Nope, no hernia repair, thanks for asking though:) They say it can just be sore muscles, but if it doesnt go away, Im gonna bring it up. Not real bad pain, just uncomfortable..... Thanks again


Lady Lithia
on 4/10/11 12:22 pm
As early out as you are, you should seek your surgeon's advice.

You've mentioned that you dont' follow a lot of your surgeon's guidelines... do you think that might be the problem? 

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/10/11 12:41 pm - WA
on 4/10/11 12:42 pm - WA
on 4/10/11 12:29 pm - La Verne, CA
most of our work is done on the left hand side.  You are only 2 weeks out, so take it ez.  If it turns into real pain and not just being uncomfortable, contact your surgeon.  Take good care.
Tracy M.
on 4/10/11 12:45 pm - KY
I agree with the others..I am almost 3 weeks out and I was feeling very little pain and yesterday I was doing laundry and now I am hurting in my left side again...I know there is nothing seriously wrong...I feel i would be in excruciating pain if there were. I am just experiencing some crampy feeling pain again. But you really should call your surgeon. I plan to give his office a call first thing in the morning but I know I just overdid it a little. I have been so tired since surgery but never expected this. Most are back to work by now.


Highest known weight- 512
Surgery weight-425
Current Weight- 260
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