What the Hell just Hapened to the Dumb DS vs RNY Post

on 4/17/11 9:54 am
Again, what the hell happened to the dumb post by Yehuda, or whatever the hell his name is? I was in the middle of reading all the good stuff and on to page 3, when I clicked on the "next" icon, it went back to the Main Forum page and now I can't find it!! Did he erase the damn thing? I wasn't on last night, because I was sick....NOT FAIR!! I want to read all the dumb **** too!!!!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
Lady Lithia
on 4/17/11 10:02 am
My guess is that Yehuda asked for it to be pulled, and it was.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/17/11 10:07 am, edited 4/17/11 10:07 am - Tuvalu

The guy is less than a week out from surgery and probably still on a lot of drugs and likely made an error in judgement.  Cut him some slack and kick his ass or whatever when he is fair game to fight back.   And if the whole thread is gone, either he asked OH to pull it or there were multiple TOS violations--which I didn't see--which caused it to get pulled.

You know, right now, my mom's new doctor is taking her down off Effexor and I'm spending my entire DAY trying to undo the damage she is causing by speaking every random thought that enters her mind.  So I decided to figure that Yehuda is drugged up and deserves a break right now...even if the original post was not terribly reasonable.  Or maybe, especially because of that.


The woman whose mother decided to tell the lady who has been working at the assisted living place for 33 f'ing years that it was inappropirate of the lady to go from table to table asking, "Anyone here a Catholic?" and handing out palm leaves because it is, for them, Palm Sunday, that it was inapporpriate of her to ask the residents' their religion.  Thirty-three years.  And my mother is going to straighten her ass out the second week she is there.  I *HATE* SSRIs.
  And I'm not realy thrilled with Mom right now.

on 4/17/11 10:28 am
I do get that he is on "drugs" right now and under normal cir****tances, I think that we all could make an exception. In his case that is not so easy. He has been continuously, if not starting **** talking dumb **** out of his ass for a long time now. Way before the, holier than thou 'cause I've had a DS for a week post. If we all remember correctly, he has been on a holy mission to degrade RNYer's and the decision they made, when they knew all about the DS when they chose.(not every person, but many) So, in his case, I can't see letting this one "slip by." I do however respect you for saying that the OP was not terribly reasonable and I read one of your replies to that post, stating that fact, and I agreed with, almost, everything you said. I wish I could still access it to repost what I meant, but anyway....Cest la vie!!!
P.S. I do hope that he does have an uneventful recovery, as I would with anybody. But mostly, so he can post some other dumb **** that everyone can write about, get in another heated debate, and give me some more good quality entertainment!!!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/17/11 10:35 am - Tuvalu
On April 17, 2011 at 5:28 PM Pacific Time, ANNI D. wrote:
I do get that he is on "drugs" right now and under normal cir****tances, I think that we all could make an exception. In his case that is not so easy. He has been continuously, if not starting **** talking dumb **** out of his ass for a long time now. Way before the, holier than thou 'cause I've had a DS for a week post. If we all remember correctly, he has been on a holy mission to degrade RNYer's and the decision they made, when they knew all about the DS when they chose.(not every person, but many) So, in his case, I can't see letting this one "slip by." I do however respect you for saying that the OP was not terribly reasonable and I read one of your replies to that post, stating that fact, and I agreed with, almost, everything you said. I wish I could still access it to repost what I meant, but anyway....Cest la vie!!!
P.S. I do hope that he does have an uneventful recovery, as I would with anybody. But mostly, so he can post some other dumb **** that everyone can write about, get in another heated debate, and give me some more good quality entertainment!!!

Yeah, but, what you're saying is,"He's pissed me off for a while and now that he's an easy target, lemme at him."

Fight with him later.  It's only fair.
on 4/17/11 10:53 am
No, he didn't **** me off. The OP was intended to be a wise crack about the stuff that gets posted, when the poster knows good and well what the responses will look like. I really did want to know what happened because it just disappeared in the middle of me reading it. I will not fight with him or anybody else that makes asinine statements or posts, as it is just a waste of time and energy. I have found from being on this site, for only about 2 months, that when all this stuff gets started that NOBODY wins, and the valid points that EACH side makes, gets lost in the bickering and name calling, to point that it does become a Jerry Springer like entertainment show. I am truly disappointed that something as trivial as my post came to someone talking about me masturbating! How did a few jokes about entertainment, from some out of control posts, even bring to mind masturbation? Is this really the mind set of mature adults?
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/17/11 10:10 am
What the heck do mean that he asked for it to be pulled? You mean, he asked the biggun's at the top to take it down? He didn't just erase it?  Either way, he wrote it, and should have known the recourse when he posted it. What a Weenus!!! I think that it should be put back up!! It was just getting really good too...moron. I think that if someone writes a post of that caliber and decides to hit "submit," that there should be no turning back!!!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
(deactivated member)
on 4/17/11 10:13 am
Translation:  Wah, I'm bored and want drama.

I refer thee to 4chan.org.  Have fun.  Enjoy the random pictures of genetalia.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/17/11 10:19 am - Tuvalu
On April 17, 2011 at 5:13 PM Pacific Time, BlackLeatherRain wrote:
Translation:  Wah, I'm bored and want drama.

I refer thee to 4chan.org.  Have fun.  Enjoy the random pictures of genetalia.

Yup...from what I've seen from this one so far, all I can figure is that she's lacking the skills even to masturbate well enough to cause herselfa little excitement...so the photos may be helpful!

Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/17/11 10:15 am - Tuvalu
On April 17, 2011 at 5:10 PM Pacific Time, ANNI D. wrote:
What the heck do mean that he asked for it to be pulled? You mean, he asked the biggun's at the top to take it down? He didn't just erase it?  Either way, he wrote it, and should have known the recourse when he posted it. What a Weenus!!! I think that it should be put back up!! It was just getting really good too...moron. I think that if someone writes a post of that caliber and decides to hit "submit," that there should be no turning back!!!

Because if he had just erased it, then some jackass like...well...grab a mirror...who hasn't got enough intelligence to start his or her OWN controversial topicand just gets off on stirring other people's **** would condemn him for ediitng his post and call him names for that.

Why don't you go start a thread on congress' 2012 budget or something?

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