
on 4/20/11 1:39 am - TN
I am dropping the scale, but the energy factor for me right now is horrible.

At the start of my 10 day pre-op diet I was 260 (had dropped 15 from approval to 10 day)

10 day pre-op started at the weight loss, but even taking a shower drains my energy. 

Almost wish that the weight loss would slow down some for me.  Doc says that energy will return when body get used to losing, but starting to get worried about how I am going to handle returning to work in Mid May.

I'm an RN on a VERY busy Inpatient Trauma floor and we are working with our hair on fire for 12-13 hours straight.  Many nights don't even have time for lunch.  I know that I will have to work differently when I go back.

Any suggestions for increasing my energy level?

Thank you all...I have learned so much reading the posts here and love the encouragement you give to everyone.

on 4/20/11 2:01 am - IA
My you are losing fast! I am also an RN. My energy level is good but I don't think I could work at your ER!
How much protein are you getting? How active are you? Did you stop drinking coffee?Oterwise feeling fine?
on 4/20/11 2:09 am - TN
I am getting app. 60g of protein in daily between shakes and food.  Watching that very closely.  I still have one open incision as it is still draining and keeping the iodoform wick and 2x2 in place until it is only a serosanguinous (sp?) drainage per doc.  Walking every day.  No caffeine intake at all so that not having to deal with dehydration.  ALWAYS have a bottle of water in my hand sipping.

Otherwise feel great.  Talked to my boss and she advised not coming bac****il I am close to 100% because of the pace we keep.  I'm not in the ER...on inpatient unit (ICU step down from trauma/surgery).  Patient/Nurse ratio is 5:1 and most of these patient's can do very little for themselves because of how bad their condition is so we are constantly assisting them to move, repositioning them in the bed, assisting those further along to walk.  A lot of physical work in assisting them (lifting, bending, straining, etc.).

on 4/20/11 2:25 am - IA

I wonder if you could request lite duty for a month or so. Charge nurse position?
Did you have lots of caffine before surgery? That might make you feel less energetic.
I recomend walking as much as possible to help get your energy up!

on 4/20/11 2:41 am - TN

Caffeine has been gone for years...gave it up when had cardiac radiofrequency ablation for PSVT 8 years ago.  Will check with boss, but even our Charge RN has 4 patients plus the Chg requirements.  Am going to check into the YMCA and see what the costs are (not much for working out here in the very NE corner of

Thanks for the help,

on 4/20/11 4:18 am - IA
Hope you energy returns soon! Also hope they can find a position that will work for the short term! Let us know how you are doing!
Elizabeth N.
on 4/20/11 5:27 am - Burlington County, NJ
Hi Kelly. Listen, you're a medical professional. What would you say to a patient who'd had major abdominal surgery less than a month ago, was living on next to no nutrition and pretty minimal hydration and was complaining of no energy?

I would like to assume that you'd say something along the lines of, "What do you expect? You're still healing!"

Tincture of time hon. I'm sure it's hard on the pocketbook, but take as much time off as you can possibly manage. Not skimping on this end will pay you long term dividends. Don't push the envelope. There are people *****cover so fast it's like a miracle. But you know what the realities of healing are. Just keep pushing the fluids and protein, get some supplements in as you can, rest when your body says rest, and move around a bunch as you're able.

I bet in another four weeks you'll feel like a new woman.
on 4/20/11 9:45 am - TN pegged me right out of the gate....and of course I think the very worst patients in the world are as you call us "the professionals".
Thanks for the reminder.....patience is not my strong suit...can you tell?  LOL

Thanks all
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