Has the WAY you eat changed - not just WHAT you eat?

on 5/1/11 1:38 pm
I'm about 18 months out now. But for a long time, I've noticed that I now (most of the time) eat my food the way other civilized people do.

I remember watching my friend Mary eat - the way she handled her fork, the small bites, the way she put her fork down and chewed her food, etc. while I was shoveling it down as fast as I could.

Honestly, it felt like I just couldn't get it in me fast enough. If I had to go to a business lunch or something, I'd try to eat before I went so I wouldn't be hungry and eating like I was just starving.

Now I eat like a LAAAYYYDDEEEE.

on 5/1/11 1:51 pm
I've found the exact same thing - I eat slowly, small bites well chewed.  Like a human being, not a human vacuum cleaner, LOL!  The first time I went out to dinner with a friend after surgery, I noticed that she shovels it in - large bites one after another.  She's thin, but eats like I used to, and I was a little teeny bit grossed out to tell the truth.  I like the way I eat now!

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

on 5/1/11 2:02 pm
I know what you mean. My DH eats like I used to and it's hard not to be repulsed by it.

LOL @ human vacume cleaner.

I always think about Mammy in Gone with the Wind telling Scarlett to eat like a bird not like a field hand.
on 5/1/11 10:36 pm

And, I really get irked by others nasty eating habits.  I avoid looking.  

I still eat a little too fast, but I eat quite a lot less and I am done quicker, so I am lef****ching others eat most of the time.
Phyllis C.
on 5/1/11 10:43 pm
I still eat fairly fast.  I don't like cold food unless it is supposed to be cold.

I eat less than anyone at the table, but it is still a normal portion.  I leave food on my plate even when I serve myself.  I like being a dainty eater, but sometimes I get mad because I want it all.  I still want some of this and some of that so I still order a full meal and an appetizer or salad.  I never have room for dessert.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 5/2/11 4:02 am
I'm so glad to hear you get mad because you want it all!  I get that way all the time...lol
I've stopped ordering soup or salad at restaurants in order to eat the meal itself and since sugar makes me deathly ill, I never get dessert, unless they have fresh fruit.
on 5/2/11 10:48 am

That's the word I was looking for!

Yes, I am liking being a more dainty eater!
Kathleen W.
on 5/1/11 11:41 pm - Lancaster, PA
I'm finding that I've slowed down a lot.  It's just that I want my meal to last longer  and I feel fuller on smaller amounts.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


on 5/2/11 4:00 am
I've slowed down a whole lot also, however, I get full so quick that I get ticked off.  By the time you really get to enjoying the meal - whoops - there you are full. 

I still have problems at times filling a plate and then realizing within 3 bites that I will never eat all of it.  And, I do get amazed at the portions that people eat.  I really can't believe the amount of food I was shoving into my mouth all the time. 

I am still working on the snacking issue.  If there is a cracker or a chip within 10 feet of me - I'm going after it and I constantly have to remind myself not to snack at random times when i'm not hungry or i'm bored.
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/11 5:34 am
 I have a very hard time remembering im supposed to chew each bite thirty times.  I do a LOT better when I do  ( no shortness of breath , no having to excuse myself from the table to " burp "  in the ladies room no having to roll around   undignified prostrate on my back on the rug at home  going ow ow ow  I ate too much AGAIN  gosh darn it ... 

oh and the SNEEZING  ....   .....don't let THAT start .... 

wouldn't we be better off  ifthey made us take " eat like ladies and gentlemen " classes before surgery ( just kidding just kidding ....  preop requirements were plenty bad enough ! ) LOL
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