7 week follow-up dietician appointment

on 5/2/11 7:58 am - Ellsworth, ME
 I went to my Dietician appointment today. She said I am doing an awesome job. I am way a head of where they expected me to be. Since the day of surgery I have lost 41 pounds and I had lost 24 pounds to get ready for my surgery so I have lost a total of 65 pounds. WOW

on 5/2/11 8:27 am
Congratulations on doing awesome with your diet and losing 61 pounds!
on 5/2/11 9:05 am
Please do tell your secret. I must follow what ever you are doing.

Congrats on your GREAT success!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 5/2/11 10:24 am
 I agree! I want to know your secret. I have lost 33 pounds since my surgery March 8th, and 17 pounds pre-op...thought I would have lost more by now.
on 5/2/11 10:56 am - Ellsworth, ME
 I just think my surgeon made a really small pouch because I can't fit much in seriously.  I don't have any secrets or tricks.  I wish I do so I could share them.  I think you guys are doing great.

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