New Show

on 5/2/11 11:36 am - Friendswood, TX
Just saw on ABC a new show Extreme Makeover WeightLoss Edition starts May 30. Each week they will follow 1 person for a whole year and reveal the makeover. We'll see if it includs surgeries.
  Miss  Jean   
on 5/2/11 2:02 pm - Athens, GA

Could be interesting.....


on 5/2/11 3:33 pm - San Francisco, CA
I just rolled my eyes....but, who knows, it could be good...
on 5/9/11 8:11 am - TX
 I just looked it up.  Apparently each show follows one person for a year. The trainer moves in with them and they lose it "Biggest Loser" style...the preview showed pushing cars, pulling an airplane, and hiking up to the Hollywood sign. surgeries there. :(
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/11 8:17 am
i would love it if my trainer moved in & she also did all food prep.

reality shows really should at least have an ounce of real life to them :)

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