Taking time to smell the roses, (or manure)

on 5/4/11 11:22 am

The wet, cold weather has prevented  me from doing as much bike riding as I would like, so when I left work today under sunny skies and dry conditions, I headed right to the bicycle trail.

I was making real good time and felt good with lots of energy. I  made the turn for home as the sun was setting. I could hardly wait to see what my total time would be.  But when I passed the local farm, I saw the cattle grazing in the field with the sun behind them.. I had to stop and take out my phone and take this picture.

I love having goals like faster times on my bike. But sometimes I have to step back and take a moment to remember why I am on this weight loss journey. It is to become healthier, hopefully live longer,  and enjoy the life I had deprived myself of all of those morbidly obese years.

I am not here to trade one obsession for another.

I finished my ride of sixteen miles tonight in about an hour.  And hey... if I can increase my riding speed by about ten miles an hour... I'll be as fast as Lance Armstrong!

(I can dream, cant I?)

Max wt. 500+  WLS workshop  4/6/09 440 Surgery  9/21/09  324   9/21/10  218
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on 5/4/11 11:28 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
We can call you LAjr :D
on 5/4/11 11:57 am
I'm impressed with the time on that ride!  And yes, it's all about making up for lost time and enjoying our new lives.
Cool pic.
Surgery Weight: 275
on 5/4/11 12:50 pm
Nice lookin cows. Good to hear things are going well.
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