One addiction for another...

on 5/24/11 2:55 am
I was obviously addicted to food and now that I am 6 months out, I am feeling like I am behind others and have begun purging. I know it's wrong and it's only hurting me in the long run. Yes I know I need counseling - I made an appt with an eating disorder specialist for June 7th (soonest opening)...I just thought I would share here and see if anyone else has encountered the same issues. I thought I would be further along at this point, not working backwards with another damn mental's exhausting being a mental case you know :) -Lisa

HW 297 / SW 257 / CW 210 / GW 160  

on 5/24/11 3:01 am - NY
RNY on 04/10/12 with
I was told to expect to lose 100 lbs in about 6-7 months. You are right on track so you should not worry. I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Kim S.
on 5/24/11 3:29 am - Helena, AL
I applaud you for reaching out and getting help.  WLS only changes your insides.  Not your head--it is not going to fix the root of the issues that made you obese.  You are on the right track--I truly wish you much success.

on 5/24/11 3:42 am
Hi - I pretty much ditto what Kim said.  You sound as if you are on the right track.  Counseling can be so important and something that somehow most of us (myself included) either make excuses not to get or  just can't find the right person, or it's too far to travel to get to someone,  etc. etc.
   Try not to let what others are doing or how much they are losing affect you.  It is hard not to compare!!! I know.  I have done it.  But everyone is different and loses at different rates-Purging may well be dangerous for you to do also.  You could possibly do harm  internally.  Just try &  eat less.  Weigh out your portions carefully.  Use a kitchen timer and chew, chew chew your foods! Your brain takes time to fully register that you are full.   I think it's 15-20 minutes but not sure on this.  So many options other than purging.
In the meantime, please take care of yourself.  You are doing well.  You have come this far on your journey, keep posting here and so many people have very good advice and some even have been in your shoes.   I will say a prayer for you, too.  Hang in there.  Mary
on 5/24/11 3:51 am


I want to congratulate you on your success!

You have done a GREAT job!

I am also happy that you are getting help for yourself. You have to take care of yourself.

I am a food addict too!

I didn't know that I had an addiction until this process with surgery and all.

I too am struggling with facing all the emotional stuff but you have to do it!!

It is better to face it because no matter what it is isn't going away. And, part of facing issues will involve changing you.

Please note I give myself this self talk also on a daily basis.

Good luck to you and I would like to be one of your friends!


Joan H.
on 5/24/11 4:15 am - Fairfax, VA
 You are doing an incredible job.  You have lost a small person in half a year.I'm glad you are getting help.  It's vitally important to get to the iissues that hve brought youhere.  Good luck.  Keep on posting.
(deactivated member)
on 5/24/11 7:05 am
 Ull give Urself a hiatal hernia by doing that .... and THAT will  inevitably lead to chronic acid reflux , overeating , weight  retention and   the exact oppositer esults that U are striving for .  

Bulimia is VERY addictive and VERY dangerous in its own right and hugely difficult to put down once it gets ahold of you .    Work  on it now Hun !  Just don't purge no matter what . 

((((())))) lot s of love  

a grateful ex bulimic 
Amy R.
on 5/24/11 10:01 am
I too am a former bulimic, but have been free of this behavior for 23 years. I SO know where you are coming from and I am really, really glad you are getting help now (kinda almost nipping it the bud). Like any addiction, the longer you practice the behavior, the stronger it's hold on you. Good for you for recognizing your need for help and for actually doing something about it.

I know OA has helped some folks and in heavily populated areas there are even groups of Bulimics Anonymous, but don't know what you have available to you. It would probably be beneficial if you could get started ASAP into some kind of group like that as well as counseling. Although they're not for everybody, they have changed many lives so it's worth a look.

Anywho, hang in there. Please keep us posted. PM me if you want to talk/vent or feel like you want to purge. I don't have all the answers but I can listen. And I've been where you are. You WILL beat this, just by admitting you've got a problem you've done what's likely the hardest part.
on 5/25/11 5:57 am - Fort Bragg, NC
I spoke in front of a group of very early post-ops and urged them to seek counseling. I was really there to speak about other things but finished up my lecture with saying that we did not become obese due to a love of food and that we would have to confront the emotions that made us gain the weight at one time or another. I applaud you for seeking help. I got into therapy at 3-4 weeks post-op RNY and it has been the best thing I could have done. I don't feel that my RNY would have been as successful with out the therapy combo. I having eating disorders as well and I wish you all the best of luck. You are on the right track.
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