Citracal slow release 1200?

Amy E.
on 6/17/11 2:30 pm
Saw this on the shelf today seems like a miracle cure for a new mom like me. Finding it hard to find time to take 8 citracals a day to reach my required intake. This promises 2 pills will get you  1200mg slow released throughout the day. Anyone know anything about this product or has anyone tried it. 
Thanxs, Amy


(deactivated member)
on 6/17/11 2:51 pm
 Since we can't take extended release pills, I'd be wary of slow release ones. 
on 6/17/11 4:34 pm - Northern, CA
It's calcium carbonate which is not absorbed if you have RnY because there isn't enough acid in your stomach. So, it's not the right kind even if you could take time-release pills.

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on 6/18/11 1:11 am
How many times a day do you EAT? Take calcium citrate every time you eat, assuming you wait at least two hours between meals.
Amy E.
on 6/18/11 3:24 pm
Not as much as I should sadly. I'm also insulin dependant so I definately need to make time to eat but I'm finding it hard with a newborn.
Thanxs, Amy


Lady Lithia
on 6/18/11 2:10 am
Citracal is a good product.....

BUT lately they have at least three or four new products that stink

Read the label.

if the calcium itself isn't Calcium Citrate, that particular variety of Citracal is no good.

Their gummies are no good, their bone health I think is also no good

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
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on 6/18/11 2:57 am - AL
Set a timer.  I take six doses of calcium CITRATE every day.  I use a timer to remind me. 


(deactivated member)
on 6/18/11 3:01 am
I had problems taking all those pills also, what I did and it has helped 100% and it also cures my chocolate cravings.  I take calcet chewy bites 3 a day.  They are pretty expensive but well worth it.  3 of them a day gives me the calcium we need and I get 3 small desserts by taking them.
on 6/18/11 3:57 am

I have three different types of calcium citrate and I take whichever one I feel like taking, every two hours. I found it was easier to take if I could choose how I was going to take it. I have liquid, lozenges and pills. Having a choice in what I take made it easier for me to comply.

Start weight 263     Surgery weight 247  
Amy E.
on 6/18/11 3:16 pm, edited 6/18/11 3:17 pm
Thanks everyone for your replies I guess it was too good to be true. Went back and read the label first ingredient calcium carbonate, second ingredient calcuim citrate. It doesn't specify how much of each your getting. Dang really wish that would've been different such is life. Guess I thought since it was C-I-T-R-A-C-A-L it was CITRATE guess thats what I get for thinking lol.
Thanxs, Amy


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