3 week's post-op and set back to week 1 !?!?!

on 7/16/11 11:30 pm - San Antonio, TX
I'm almost 3 weeks and for the last 2 weeks I've felt really good. Rarely any pain or discomfort. Most of my discomfort has been from my left incision, which the doctor said should be expected. Well, yesterday evening I started feeling really sore; almost in pain. I almost feel as sore as I did when I came home from surgery. It's very uncomfortable when I sit or stand or move the wrong way. I'm assuming I just stretched a healing muscle. Has anyone else gone through this?
Sunny B.

Decide what to be and go be it.....
on 7/16/11 11:54 pm - KY

That has happened to me also. I think it is part of healing. I think I'm doing well and and then I will have some pain. Esp. since Ive went back to work. It is a major surgery is what I tell my self. As long as it goes away, no fever, reddness. I think it is part of healing

best wishes
Melissa Allen            
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/11 11:56 pm - Colleyville, TX
 I went through the exact same thing.  Very little pain after surgery and then about 3 weeks out I either pulled a muscle or something and had agonizing pain near my largest incision.  Called my surgeon who said is was normal and then just started taking the pain pills I hadn't used after surgery and put a heating pad on it.  It took about a week to completely resolve.  Hope you feel better soon!

on 7/17/11 2:45 am - Granada Hills, CA
I had the exact same thing. Was fine at 2 weeks out, and things just did a 360. Good thing it only lasted about a week and a half, and then I was able to start feeling normal again.

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Elizabeth N.
on 7/17/11 3:03 am - Burlington County, NJ
Well, as you heal, more nerves are reconnecting, so you're getting more messages from those areas. I think that is a pretty good chunk of why this happens. Lots of people report it. I felt that way, too, not just soreness but generally, with fatigue, cranky belly and stuff. It passed within another week or two as I recall.

Rachael Richardson
on 7/17/11 6:56 am - Alexandria , VA
RNY on 06/20/11 with
Yes! I am almost four weeks post op.  Week two I began feeling good no pain. All of a sudden at the end of the week I got madening pain on my lower lelft side that almost wrapped around to the front of my lower abdomen.  It was a deep, burning and sharp pain that was worse then the incision pain.
The pain occured while just sitting, however, was really bad if I went to stand up! I was so upset because I thought I was having some major complication.  

Called me doctor and she said that it is muscle pain  and I may have even pulled some muscle that was allready tender from the surgery.  I did not realize how much trauma  your stomach muscles undergo during the surgery! 

It does get better today I feel good.  A little tender but much better.  I was advised to use heating pad and tyenol.  I tried to stay away from my liquid loratab because I did not want to become dependent on it that far out after surgery. 

If you have muscle pain it will get better and I was told it is very common.


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