
on 7/19/11 7:42 am
  This was just posted on FB by a girl I graduated high school with:

"I know this is a little insensitive and forgive me of I offend, but I do not think obesity is a reason to get a disability tag to park closer to an entrance of a store. In all actuality, shouldn't they be parking the furthest, perhaps they then would not be disabled because they would lose some weight. Just saying. Save they spots for those who can't actually walk."

  I have not been this angry in a long time. This girl is IN THE MEDICAL field!

   I just don't know what else to say. Thanks for letting me rant a bit.

  DS done on 7-20-2011
HW: 259.4
  SW: 256:  CWGW: 155lbs
on 7/19/11 7:59 am
Wow, what a *****  Obesity isn't the reason people get disability tags, but the complications due to obesity are.  Being in the medical field she should be aware of that.  Why make those that are obese feel worse about it?
 HW-240, SW-233, CW-158, GW 135 @ 5'3.5"
RNY April 2011, Reversal August 2011.  
I still have a pouch so I'm a hybrid.

on 7/19/11 10:16 am
Oh my word!  Your avatar is perfect!  It just absolutely is the funniest thing I have seen all day!
I got my sleeve on March 14, 2011.  I love it so far!

on 7/19/11 10:59 pm
Unfortunately there is still many "stigmas" associated with being obese.  Fat, lazy, worthless comes to mind off the top of my head.  I don't know if like so many other "prejudices" they will ever be resolved.  A large person (fat, obese) is so visual that people tend to think how did they ever get that way, they must be SO lazy!! Of course we all know that is most often not the case at all or we would not be in doctor's offices electing to get surgery to help us get healthy and try and stop the obesity from destroying our lives.   It is a disease.  But most common people just see one thing.  A fat person.  They often think: They ate themselves that way, they don't move, they are so lazy at their jobs (if they have one at all) or again:  (the visual):  say at a job interview: Who do we hire here:  Fat Mary, who has great qualifications, loads of experience, or thin Jenny, who's fresh out of school, no experience but who "looks" pretty or normal?  Yep.  You guessed it.  Jenny gets the job.
 Trust me I've been there.  It hurts.  It sucks. 
 I, too have a handicapped sticker.  Do I like that I have to use it? No.  But I have very bad knees. Yes the knees were more than likely at least partially caused from my obesity.    Now during summer months, I park as far away from work as I can and walk.  But when winter comes, I use the tag because I have fallen too many times to count and have been lucky not to break anything but sure have sprained alot of ankles, hips, etc.
So, obesity in itself, probably doesn't always warrant a handicap sticker status but in most cases when the obesity causes the inability to function normally, i.e, walk, bend knees in order to get up curbs, sidewalks, etc. then those are perfectly legitimate, for those same reasons that a "normal sized person with bad knees, joints, etc. would be granted one.
 I say, leave us alone!! We go through so much pain suffering as it is just in trying to live our lives.
If we need a sticker for whatever reasons (visible or not) a medical doctor HAS DETERMINED that the sticker is necessary.  Leave it at that.  Thank you for leting me vent on this.   Mary
on 7/19/11 8:07 am - Vancouver, WA
Amen ladies! I always get "the look" from people when I park in handicapped spots even tho I have the official state tag for it. My disability is COPD, a lung disease, so you can't see it! However I can only walk about 15-20 feet before I run out of air so can't possibly walk from very far out. I didn't get to be obese until I had this condition.  People should keep their noses in their own business.
Elizabeth N.
on 7/19/11 8:13 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oy vey, what a little ***** And you are still connected to her because.....? If I were in your shoes, that would be the end of all connection.

on 7/19/11 8:38 am
I work in the transit industry and we aren't allowed to question the disability because they are often not visible.  Just because someone isn't in a wheel chair or walking with a cane doesn't mean they don't have a disability.  Not all disabilities are physical, there are also mental disabilities which will qualify someone for a disabled parking pass, or discounted bus fairs that are available to those with disabilities.  The law also doesn't differentiate about which disability has priority over another.

Now having said that........
If you don't read anything into her statement, like comorbidities or other medical conditions or a pre-existing condition that contributed to the obesity, I agree with her.

Speaking only for myself I would have been mortified if someone had suggested that I apply for or use a disabled tag to park at a closer parking spot.  I never wanted or asked for special dispensation for my obesity.  I did it to myself, I ate too much and moved too little.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 7/19/11 8:58 am
When I was "just" obese, I didn't need a handicapped tag.  However, when I developed restrictive airway disease and bone-on-bone osteoarthritis, it came in very handy as did the electric shopping carts.  Now I can breathe easier and I'll be getting a knee joint replacement next month.  When I'm all recovered from that I may just have a handicapped tag burning party.  Maybe not as big of a political statement as burning a draft card or a bra, but it could be fun.  If I do, I'll hold it virtually so everyone here can join in.  We can toast with a protein shake or bacon.

As for your friend, maybe someone without a brain shouldn't actually be posting on FB.  Maybe you can copy these comments and send them to her.  She appears to be be terminally clueless as well as without any compassion for those about whom she knows absolutely nothing. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

Citizen Kim
on 7/19/11 9:16 am - Castle Rock, CO
Reading EXACTLY what she said I agree with her - obesity is not a reason for a disability tag!  

I think we have to realise that people really are NOT sympathetic to the obese - it may hurt your feelings - but it's a fact of life.  

She may be insensitive (which she admits) but having an opinion DOESN'T make her stupid!!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/19/11 1:57 pm - Northern, CA
 It's not having an opinion that makes her stupid. It's having a stupid opinion that makes her stupid. 

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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