Hair Loss!! When does it return?!?!

on 7/27/11 6:40 am - Ashland, MS
About 4 months after my DS I started having hair loss (falling out from the roots and breaking too) and now at 11 months it has finally slowed.  I see no sign of new hair coming in and am very anxious about whether it will return!  Please advise!  Thanks!  Charlee
on 7/27/11 11:56 am - FL
Gosh...nobody has anything to say to this guy?  I would appreciate some input also...Sam
Elizabeth N.
on 7/27/11 12:07 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Y'know, people have lives and don't always see posts. Chill.

Elizabeth N.
on 7/27/11 12:06 pm, edited 7/27/11 12:07 pm - Burlington County, NJ
It varies. Give it time. It returns eventually for the vast majority of people. It's only a very few people who don't get their hair back. *points at self* It took me a while to get over pouting about it, but then I started collecting hats and wigs and have lots of fun with it now.

"When life hands you lemons...." Attitude is everything. But be of good cheer, it is very likely that your hair will return eventually. It's a small loss if it doesn't and it will be gone for a good cause, compared to stuff like, say, chemotherapy.

on 7/29/11 5:06 am - Ashland, MS
Thanks so much, Elizabeth for your encouragement!  I am wearing hats, also, and thinking of a wig - any suggestions about what kind of wigs are coolest, most comfortable, etc?
Elizabeth N.
on 7/29/11 5:16 am - Burlington County, NJ
I use synthetic hair wigs because they're so easy to care for. You just soak them a little bit in a sink of cool water with a few drops of super mild soap, rinse gently, squeeze in a towel, let dry and brush back to shape.

It's important to get  good fit to your head. Every brand is different. But don't spend a bunch of money in a specialty "wig" shop. Go to an ethnic hair supply store. The products are the same and the prices are MUCH lower.

Since you're in warm country, I would imagine that storekeepers there will have good advice about the most wearable options.

on 7/29/11 5:26 am - Ashland, MS
Thanks again, Elizabeth, for the help!  Bless you!
Amy W.
on 7/28/11 3:19 am - Bellingham, WA
I don't think anyone will have any definite answers to this one. However it has been my understanding that a great deal of associated hair loss is actually due to insufficient protein intake and absorption. I don't know if that will hel*****t, but it is all I have at the moment.
waist @ 29.5 in, chest @ 33 in, hips @ 35 in, thighs @ 21 in...inspiration can lead to greatness whether it comes from within or from others, rock it out girls and guys!   
on 7/29/11 4:48 am - Ashland, MS
Thanks!  I do have trouble, as everyone does, I guess, getting enough protein.
on 7/29/11 2:13 pm
Hi there.  Haven't logged on here in awhile and happened upon your posting.

Hair loss.   Traumatic stuff spoken from one who knows.  About 4 months after my RNY, the inevitable began....a few hairs at first (is this my imagination?) and then a brushful every week.  My hairline receded and my hair REALLY thinned out (like I had extra to give?)   I started wearing my hair shorter than I have in years.  At first I thought it wouldn't grow back fast enough; once I realized there was nothing I could do about it I became more at peace with the whole issue.  Not that I liked it, but there was nothing I could do about it but ride it out.

I understood that it was based on malabsorption, which is what my RNY was all about anyway.  I made sure I got all the protein I was supposed to get, but the malabsorption was still there.  My body just didn't have enough energy to grow hair for awhile after shifting into starvation mode.  Yes, I lost part of my eyelashes, the hairs on my arms too.  I didn't have to shave my legs as often!  Bonus!  LOL

Now almost 2 years later, I have a full regrowth of shoulder length hair on my head, I can flutter my eyelashes again (we all know how important that is), and the little hairs on my arms are back. 

Hang in there.   Your body is still adjusting and it will take time.  Odds are, you're gonna be just fine.

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