How to Choose a Registered Dietitian

steve D.
on 8/24/11 1:39 am - West Fargo, ND
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How to Choose a Registered Dietitian

It should not be hard to find a registered dietitian (RD) you like. To start, you may want to check with friends and family. They may know an RD they can refer you to. You can also talk to your doctor about a referral. Many RDs work as part of a health care team with a medical doctor and other health care professionals.

Once you have a few names, you should talk to each one. Selecting a dietitian is a personal choice. Here are a few questions you may want to ask:

Are you licensed or registered?
Dietitians are registered with the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) and called registered dietitians, or RDs. They may also be licensed in your state. This will depend on the state—some states require dietitians to be licensed, in addition to their registration. This means some RDs are both registered and licensed. To aid you in your search, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) manages a database of all current practicing RDs. You can access their website at Here, you’ll be able to locate RDs near you. This website can also give you a starting place where you can do additional research and interviewing.

What training and experience do you have?
First make sure that the dietitian is registered and licensed to practice, if their state requires it. Then you can ask about their education. Ask how long she/he has been in practice. You might also want to ask if she/he has any special experience in the area you are looking to address.

What techniques will be used to treat my condition?
At first, an RD will talk to you about your nutrition plan. She or he may ask you about your health and your goals. She/he may also ask you to write down everything you ate in the past few days or keep a diary for the next week. This can help your RD pinpoint what changes can be made to your eating habits. Then she/he can help you add or limit certain foods in your diet. Your RD will work with you to help you meet your nutrition goals.

You should talk to your RD about the foods you eat. It is also important for you to say if you are taking any:

  • Medicines (prescribed or over-the-counter)
  • Herbs
  • Dietary supplements

How often and how long will I need treatment?
The length of your treatment will depend on how well you do with dietary changes. In most cases, after the first visit you will have a follow-up visit to make sure you are on track with your goals. Depending on your health and how well you take to your new habits, you may need or choose to have a few more visits.

The RD you choose should be someone you feel at ease around. You should be able to ask and answer questions during your visits.

Your registered dietitian should:

  • Be registered and licensed in your state, if appropriate
  • Treat you with respect 
  • Be professional
  • Listen to your health concerns
  • Answer your questions in a way that you can understand
  • Make every effort to help you improve your health 
  • Refer you to specialists as needed

As you can see, there are many things to think about when choosing a dietitian. You deserve the best care possible. So do some research and talk to different dietitians. Most of all, take the time you need to make a choice you feel good about.

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