Pre-op assements..check, nerves..check.. Surgery....CHECK!!

on 8/28/11 11:16 am - Salem, IL
FINALLY!!  My surgery was done on the 24th, I came home from the hospital on the 26th.  Since then, it has been the usual stuff of hobbling around, not moving too quickly, sipping little bits of broth and taking LOTS of pills!!  Since then, a little bit of progress every day.  One thing that is going to always be with me is how many people..even those I don't really know..have offered their thoughts, encouragement, prayers and help.  Kind of hard to stay cynical after that.  Onward and upward..
on 8/28/11 1:44 pm - OH
too Funny I came acoss you looking for someone who has just had surgery, mine is for this coming weds on aug 31 so i am going to watch you and your remarks so i will know what to expect lol hope you are doing good and keep me posted
on 8/31/11 2:34 pm - Salem, IL
Good luck on your surgery!!  I am already learning about the ups and downs, but I'm so happy I made this choice.  Just stick with it and I will send all the encouragement I can your way.
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