One would think that after nearly 4 years out...

on 9/2/11 3:04 am - Live Oak, FL
...that I would know by now NOT to "inhale" my food. Was so hungry at lunch (my fault, I didn't eat breakfast), that at lunch I ate a egg and cheese "omelet" and okra in under 5 minutes. Boy am I paying for it now.
 It's a great day to be alive.        
(deactivated member)
on 9/2/11 5:44 am - Santa Cruz, CA
This is definitely one of those lessons that only take once or twice to get right! 

Nothing like being "stuck" to make you vow NEVER to do that again!  If you haven't
yet done so, try "urping' the obstruction back up.  You'll feel better almost immediately.

Best wishes,
So Blessed!
on 9/2/11 5:47 am

So Blessed!
on 9/2/11 5:52 am

I had a run in with some baby carrot sticks and they kicked my butt. 
on 9/2/11 3:51 pm - CA
A boiled egg did me in early out. I haven't eaten one since. A tiny slice of boiled egg on a salad made me shudder!!

never again lol

feel better soon :)

I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 9/2/11 3:57 pm
 I resemble that remark.  I got home from work this morning, so hungry.  I made a piece of raising toast.  Buttered it and cut it in half.  Cooked up some scrambled eggs with cheese... thinking I'm hungry enough to devour the entire thing.  I ate half a piece of toast and was so full I thought I was going to hurl.  The eggs sat there and I think husband ate them!
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