About to book in for my surgery

on 9/4/11 2:49 am - GA
I am about to schdeule my sleeve surgery and very nervous. I start the 3 week low carb diet this week and then the surgery.  Can anyone give me any insights into what lies ahead for me?
Is the surgery painful?
What should I expect after surgery?
Thank you for any feedback
PreOp Gal    
on 9/4/11 3:02 am, edited 9/4/11 3:11 am
You can expect a roller coaster and the ride of your life! The learning process for me has been learning how to get from being dragged along by the last car to being in the front car and enjoying the ride.

All of these surgeries require hard work post-op. Surgery is only a tool- we have to be responsible for using it well.

Read and explore and do lots of research!

I would do my surgery again in the proverbial heartbeat. Just keep walking through the fear and nervousness!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 9/4/11 3:02 am - NY
Preop gal:
I just had my surgery August 23, I had the rouen-Y by pass.
Everybody is different, but my experience the few days was not the best but far from the worst. I was sore, and nauseated but they took good care of me as far as pain goes.
I'm still learning what my tummy wants and it is a struggle some days to get the proper amount of protein and liquids.
Take it one day at a time and you will be fine.
Best of luck to you.

on 9/4/11 6:06 am - GA
Thank you!
PreOp Gal    
on 9/4/11 6:05 am - GA
Thank you very much!

Was the surgery painful for you?
PreOp Gal    
on 9/4/11 2:38 pm
PreopGal, have you visited the VSG forum yet?  There are always posts from people who just got discharged from the hospital and at various days/weeks post-op, especially if you read back through the posts past the first page.  And if you post this question there, I'm sure you'll get feedback.

I haven't had my surgery yet, but just from the posts I've read, it seems that people's experience with pain really varies.
on 9/5/11 1:13 am - GA
Thank you
PreOp Gal    
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