5 year gastric bypass anniversary

Beth B.
on 9/18/11 8:31 am - Trafford, PA
 On 09/18/2006 I had gastric bypass surgery. I was a shy 40 year old obese married woman who was unhappy with her life and herself. Today I am still having many changes in my life. I recently divorced this year and I have learned to Love myself and the person i am becoming everyday. I know that my surgery was the start of this journey. I've kept off over 130 pounds and am within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I am someone who eats healthy and exercises regularly, meditates and does yoga and pilates. I realized the only limits being placed were by ME. It still a choice everyday to use the tool given to me by my surgeon. I have good and bad days. But choosing positive people and  seeking help from dieticians, therapist, support groups and doctors when you need it. I no longer have sleep apnea, prediabetes, no sx of PCOS, no back pain and knee pain daily. It's one of the best decisions I ever made for myself. I would do it again even with intial problems I had postop. I take my vitamins religiously, I have to take fludrocortisone daily for my low blood pressure. I don't drink soda or alcohol I read labels on everything but I feel 20 years younger. At 45 I feel my life is just beginning due to all the wonderful changes in me since my surgery.

Beth C.   4 years post-op and working my way back to goal weight  ( Preop weight -298 pounds /goalweight 155 pounds                                                           

on 9/18/11 8:50 am
Your story moves me to tears because of your courage.

Plus it is wonderful to hear from someone so far our doing well and doing good things with her life.

Happy anniversary and may you have many more!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

Beth B.
on 9/18/11 9:29 am - Trafford, PA
Thanks Anne, Good luck in your journey,

Beth C.   4 years post-op and working my way back to goal weight  ( Preop weight -298 pounds /goalweight 155 pounds                                                           

on 9/18/11 9:25 am - Kennewick, WA
I'm sorry about your divorce. I'm glad that you're happy in your life. Congratulations.
Beth B.
on 9/18/11 9:33 am - Trafford, PA
Thank you Heidi, Good Luck with your surgery.

Beth C.   4 years post-op and working my way back to goal weight  ( Preop weight -298 pounds /goalweight 155 pounds                                                           

on 9/18/11 12:04 pm

I am new here.  I don't mean to just barge in.  Congratulations on your anniversary. You look great. I had my surgery in 2007.  I am having issues now because I was way too clumsy and fell onto my stomach hard enough to knock two discs out in my neck.  I had to have a steroid epidural.  That was a HUGE mistake.  I think I woke up at least 50lbs heavier, if I wasn't it certainly felt like it. I think I was a million times grumpier too...those things are awful! 

Anyway, I see that you do yoga and pilates.  I am wondering if that helps to lose weight or is it more a relaxing thing?  Does it help you firm up?  If I needed to slowly work my way into a 'new' exercise type of routine, do you think yoga is too much?  I am curious if it will help with 'nerves'.  I recently was able to totally come off of many anxiety medications that I had been on for 14 years, and I just need to learn how to 'chill'.  I would love to hear anyone's input.

Thank you,

Beth B.
on 9/18/11 12:36 pm - Trafford, PA
Tee sorry to hear about your problems I started yoga and took a relaxation class the week I asked my husband to leave I was 15 pounds heavier than now and wasn't sleeping well or exercising I also took a class to eat healthy with a dietician and took yoga mostly for relaxation. It was a beginners class and I learned to modify everything they work with you flexibility and physical limitations using chairs, blocks and straps. The instructor was well over 200 pounds but was so flexible. It really helped with exercise and stress. Just find a good instructor, ask around in your area. This past year was so stressful and I was determined to not gain my weight back and for the first time in my life I put myself on my to do list. Going back to the basics of eating well not grazing,healthy carbs and snacks, drinking water, taking my vitamins, getting enough sleep and do things to reduce my stress level, exercising regularly . I use guided imagery I also journal when I'm anxious or stressed.  I treat myself to a massage each month( saving money by cutting out my starbuck run several times a week).Yoga and definitely pilates made me stronger which helped with weight loss. Good Luck. Take Care and be gentle with yourself don't push to hard when your first starting out.

Beth C.   4 years post-op and working my way back to goal weight  ( Preop weight -298 pounds /goalweight 155 pounds                                                           

on 9/18/11 2:13 pm
Thank you so much Beth. I was planning to see if my doctor would recommend the yoga to help me de-stress.  They have a medical mall type thing with classes, so I really appreciate your help!  I am having to learn how to take care of myself and I am thinking that is a great place to start!

Thank you so much again I really appreciate it! Have a great week!,
So Blessed!
on 9/18/11 11:05 pm

Happy Surgiversary, Beth.
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