Hormones released during weight loss

Erica H.
on 10/22/11 1:51 pm
 Does anyone have any links to articles discussing the release of hormones from fat and how that effects out emotions? I know that fat cells store estrogen, just looking to learn a little more.


(deactivated member)
on 10/22/11 2:07 pm, edited 10/22/11 11:16 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Check on www.sciencedaily.com

and search the terms "obesity" and "weight loss" and "hormone release"

It's a good site for actual science research. 

Or try www.webmd.com

Good luck

Edited to add:  I tried those search terms myself and had the best luck with "PMS" because
that is the effect of excess estrogen. 

Good luck!
Erica H.
on 10/23/11 9:12 am
 Thank you Lynn :)
Helen B.
on 10/23/11 11:15 am - Lake Placid, FL

I know that before I had my hysterectomy and lost weigh I was an emotional wreck.. My ob/gyn told me it was due to the decrees in estrogen from the fat...






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