2.5 years nd gaining ...really

Michelle L.
on 10/25/11 8:55 am
 Ok ..so i cant eat any less! Trying to eat most all protien and stay as healthy as i can. my body is doing what it suppose to and lets me know when have had something i shouldnt ..or a bit to much! 
i Zumba for excersise  ..blah  blah blah....but now IM GAINING WEIGHT!!! 
Help...im starting to panic! I dont want to be unhealthy and big ever again. and my lowest after seurgery i was down 105 lbs. now i havegaining about 14 lbs. where do i begin? Back to basics? 
any advise?
on 10/25/11 9:15 am
Take a breath.

14 is relatively little.

Kathleen W.
on 10/25/11 9:50 am - Lancaster, PA
Take a deep breath.  Go back to basics:protein, fluid, vitamins, journal, cut out junk. Thank God you got it now and not 30 lbs from now.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


on 10/25/11 10:00 am
I wish keeping the weight off wasn't so blessed hard!

All I know how to do 1 day at a time of the basics- protein first, exercise, and planning my food the night before. Keeping bad carbs out of the house. Having people in my life I am accountable to. Logging my food occasionally. Keeping a before picture on my frig. Gritting my teeth from time to time. Being with the panic that comes up when I don't give in to the cravings.

If anyone comes up with an easier way, please let me know!

Some days are better than others. The average is what counts.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

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