WLS questions

on 11/14/11 11:17 pm - Durham, NC
 I've been a member of this board for just under a month.  My surgeons office recommended I check it out.  So far I am very impressed with the amount of information and differing opinions are on here.  I have been a member of other types of boards in the past (work related) and I am usually just a "lurker" and only chime in when I feel I have something to offer in the way of information or to suggest another way to look at the situation.  I have never been a "social butterfly".  My question is this, because I don't post often and respond to everyone's posts to offer congrats or prayers or whatever, is it more difficult to get answers to questions when I ask them?  I really want to be an active member of this board seeing as how I am having this life changing surgery and want and need all the support and information I can get, but I am not sure how to do that if I am not the first person on everyone's posts saying "Congrats".  Is it possible to get answers when I only chime in occasionally, or should I be a more up front and "in your face" type of poster?  I hope I didn't offend anyone with this, that is certainly not my intention.  I am new to having to open up about myself to people who are not family and I want to be successful.  Thanks for reading my ranting.
on 11/14/11 11:29 pm - TX
From what I've noted, I do not think it matters if you are a frequent poster or not when you have questions, you'll usually get some input.
on 11/14/11 11:44 pm - Durham, NC
 Thanks Libby!!  I asked a question yesterday and didn't get any responses which was the reason for the post today.  Looking back I think maybe the question I asked was perceived by many to be vanity related when it was most definitely not. LOL
Dave Chambers
on 11/15/11 12:02 am - Mira Loma, CA
I normally do a little research on my own initially. I get a lot of info from my support groups. Yet, I still do ask questions when needed.  If you provide a few details about your surgery date, etc., you'll likely get better answers.  I rarely say congrats, but do offer informed comments on many posts.  Most responders will offer you good advice. If you find some responses offensive, please feel free to click the BLOCK button.  Good luck on your journey.  DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 11/15/11 12:31 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
wait a minute. what do you mean we aren't family?!
We are your WLS family,the only family who is going to understand what you are going thru on EVERY step of this journey!

Now,having said that ,welcome! I was being a little facetious but not really. No,you don't have to be the first one on every post offering rainbows and kisses but you do need to post enough somewhere on some board here that folks get to know you a bit and at least recognize your name/avie. We need to be able to develop a repoire with you and you with us.

There is not much worse than posters who only breeze in when they have a problem or need a question answered for themselves but can't be bothered to hang around and give wisdom,support, a cyber hug or commiseration with other posters. They are basically selfish people and I,personally, don't have any use for them.

You have to remember that boards are what they are...people post when they can/have something to add. Mondays are typically slow and evenings  often have more people looking at the boards than in the daytime.

Just post when you feel you have something to offer and you we be fine.

Good luck on your journey,it is a wild ride!




on 11/15/11 12:44 am - Durham, NC
 Thank you so much!!!  That makes me feel a lot better about things.  I didn't mean to offend when I said family I meant people like my husband, mom, dad, etc.  I don't have many friends outside of my husband hence the reason I am a bit shy plus the morbidly obese thing LOL.  Just to give people a better look at my situation...  I am having the gastric bypass the surgery is scheduled for December 1, 2011.  I have never had this type of surgery before, as a matter of fact the only surgery I have ever had is having my gallbladder removed in 2008.  I should probably edit my profile and type up my bio for people to get to know me a bit better!!   Thanks again guys!!!!
on 11/15/11 1:21 am - OH
If you are specific in the title of your post and your question, you will get more answers.  If the questions are vague or have been asked often, fewer people will reply.  The surgery-specific forums seems more active than this general forum.

VSG on 05/03/2011, SW 255, CW 140, 5'6" female
Body by Sauceda on 11/30/2012, LBL, BL/BA, long thighs, arms, neck

on 11/15/11 1:55 am - Bloomington, IL
Ask away and I bet you will get answers.  I have never gone without some sort of a response to a post.  That's why we are all here- to give and get support


www.geekmomblog.com -My Mom blog were I talk about my journey through weight loss & weight loss surgery, my kids, cupcakes, Star Wars & pretty much everything!         
Elizabeth N.
on 11/15/11 2:18 am, edited 12/31/11 7:31 am - Burlington County, NJ


Kathy S.
on 11/15/11 2:22 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

As the other members stated your subject line is your lead. Many members scan the forums and respond to what they see in the subject line. So be short and direct in what you are looking for. Also, be sure and post on your surgery type forum and your state forum as well.

Welcome and we are here to help.

Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

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