Home from surgery!!

on 12/5/11 1:05 am - Durham, NC
 Surgery was Thursday first thing and I was in the hospital until Saturday afternoon.  The pain was horrible!!  If it wasn't for that I would have gone home Friday.  I started noticing yesterday that if I take more than an ounce in my mouth and swallow I get a sharp pain.  I called my surgeon and was told that my pouch is only able to hold 1 ounce so I just need to take smaller sips and it will take me longer to get all my liquid in.  I will be on liquids for three weeks and the only protein I can stand right now is the classic vanilla instant breakfast from carnation mixed with Milk.  Started my period this morning too which sucks!!!  I just had it!!  But I am thinking with all the hormones in my body right now that that can be expected?
on 12/5/11 3:42 am - Walnut Grove, CA
Thank you for sharing.  Hope you continue to improve and feel better.  My sugery is Dec 12th.  So helpful to read how others are doing and what concerns they have.  Good luck and hope you starting feeling better.   
So Blessed!
on 12/5/11 3:52 am

pumpkin77, try sipping warm liquids.  They tend to go down a lot easier than cold.  Hope you feel better soon.
on 12/5/11 7:15 am

I just had my surgery last tuesday and I learned quickly that small sips are key, wow your lucky you get to have milk im not allowed to have it until wed during my two week liquid so tihat way i can see if i will be able to tolerate it.But also like you i got my period day before surgery and still have it which im amazed because i have a mirena and haven't had one in 4 years so i guess hormones.

on 12/5/11 7:35 am - Triad, NC
I'm not having an RNY, but we have the same surgeon.  Just wanted to say that in the pre-op class, they made sure to let us know that we have to take small sips... you should work on getting in 2oz of liquid every 15 minutes.  So, just go a bit slower.  I got a sippy cup to help me drink slower.  Don't worry too much about the protein!  I'm glad you're able to get at least some in.  The main thing is to stay hydrated and walk. :)

Receiving a visit from Auntie Flow after surgery is very common.  Glad that you were able to go home so quickly, and I hope your pain has subsided.

Take care
on 12/5/11 9:48 am
Hang in there - you can do it!  Just have some patience with yourself and take your time.
(deactivated member)
on 12/10/11 11:33 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery
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