Meeting 2/11/12 @ Piedmont Fayette Hospital

on 2/12/12 12:50 pm - Fayetteville, GA
  Hi all!! For those that attended our meeting, thanks, I need the support as much as you do. For those unable to make it, we missed you and hope you are doing well!!
I have been reading a book entitled: The Success Habits of Weightloss Surgery Patients by Colleen M. Cook, ISBN: 0-9740179-7-3. This is what we began our meeting talking about.  The first  Successful Habit is Personal Accountability. We wrote down our wildest dreams, many things we may have forgotten about. Not just weight loss but other things. Some of us shared them with the group others did not. If you weren't there, this is a great exercise to do. Stop what you are doing and think about your wildest dream that has been lying by the wayside. My question to you: Where are you? Are you headed in the right direction to get to that dream? Stress comes into our lives when we spend our time, our money and our energy doing things that are NOT getting us closer to our goals.  We talked about doing regular weigh ins and setting weight loss goals.
  • I am happy to say that Matthew is finished with regretting having surgery, WOO HOO!! Congrats Matthew, took him awhile to see the benefits but his head is in the game now. Welcome aboard to a wonderful journey!!
  • We had some newbies, preops and we spoke about why we picked a certain surgery. There are so many reasons; price, recovery time, the surgery itself, getting back to work. I recommend going to Youtube to watch the surgery.This video is Dr. Cirangle performing it in San Francisco.  I found it appealing and thought any surgeon could probably do the VSG, that is why I picked that one among other reasons. 
  • We talked of how to reach our goals if we had some way fallen off the straight and narrow: how about sticky notes placed around the house of what you want to weigh at your next week's weigh in? Reward yourself after you reach certain goals (non-food items!!) Put your weight on your calendar email so you have to see it every day. Be sure to take a before, during and after photo and measurements and take them often. 
  • Recovery: get back to your routine ASAP!! That is important!
  • Constipation: Miralax, senokot, Calcium Citrate, lots of fluids!
  • Food items: Premier Protein, Unjury Unflavored mixed with lemonade, Egg white protein powder with sugar free, fat free frozen yogurt, Orange Julius WLS style: 1/4 c. egg whites, orange juice, ice, blend. Pure Protein Bars, Protein shooters, Sunkist protein shots 
  • Vitalady for online vitamins
  • In Peachtree City at the library they have a walk every Saturday at 9 a.m. 
  • Joanne told us about going to Suwanee to a trampoline park, sounds like so much fun. Be sure to forward me information about it Joanne, we may have a "field trip." How does that sound?
  • Goals until next month: I won't list names, you know who you are!!  
  1. Be strict on eating, cut out alcohol, cut out pizza
  2. add exercising, up fluid intake
  3. get down 20 more pounds
  4. up protein intake, down 10 pounds, add more exercise
  5. weight down to 290, getting to gym 3 days a week
  6. get into a better routine, more discipline, no chick fil a biscuits
  7. get out the WII Fit Plus and use it, start 6 month insurance required appointments
So exciting!! We are all doing so well, we have our moments, our months that maybe are hard to come back from. But how would we appreciate the good times, if we didn't have the bad ones?
 Our next meeting is March 10th at 9 a.m. we will again be trading protein, bars, etc. bring what you didn't like so someone else can try it. Bring an idea, something that worked for you. Even a wrapper or empty bottle of something great you found. If you want to forward it to me ahead of time, I will keep it with me and bring to our next meeting!
Until next time!! Joyfully Yours!!

VSG: 4/11/11 by Dr. Kevin McGill at Buckhead Bariatrics, Atlanta, GA.

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