Blood work after surgery?

Leisa L.
on 4/8/12 12:59 am - long beach, CA
RNY on 03/19/12 with
I want  to know what  blood tests i should have done since having my RNY.
My first apt with my PCP is Monday and i am not sure she really knows which tests i need to have run to make sure everything is checked and i/she arent missing any vital tests. She is really good about ordering tests that my other doctors want run and some i wanted done for my own sake (hormone testing).
Please any help is appreciated so i can have a list to compair to what she is ordering so i get all the tests run that i need to make sure i stay healthy.
Thank you for all the help you have given me thus far. I feel good about asking questions and even ones i feel are silly, i have gotten suportive responses to.
So thank you OH board for being here!!!

on 4/8/12 1:53 am - CT
Normally your surgeon will order any blood tests for you and send the results to your PCP. You are less than a month out from surgery, it's generally too early for any deficiences to show up yet anyway. I dind't have my first set of follow-up labs until I was 3 months out.

But, in the future things you need to have followed are your vitamin levels, protein levels, iron levels, cholesterol, and Hg A1C (especially if you have a history of diabetes) to start off with. Some people who have other issues (thyroid for example) need more extensive testing.
on 4/8/12 5:54 am - OH
At the bariatric office where I work, the people who have had the RNY are given a lab slip at the end of their one month post-op appointment. They are told to have their blood tests before their 3 month post op appointment so that their surgeon can review the vitamin and mineral levels. They will continue to have these labs prior to every appointment they have at the bariatric office. (In the case of the office in which I work, that is at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, and yearly after that.)

You will most likely have to take a multivitamin, a calcium with D, and B12 for the rest of your life.

Yes, definitely, get the labs forwarded to your PCP. But, your bariatric surgeon has specialized knowledge and is experienced in what to watch for.

(deactivated member)
on 4/8/12 6:22 am - Mexico
On April 8, 2012 at 12:54 PM Pacific Time, ktbar wrote:
At the bariatric office where I work, the people who have had the RNY are given a lab slip at the end of their one month post-op appointment. They are told to have their blood tests before their 3 month post op appointment so that their surgeon can review the vitamin and mineral levels. They will continue to have these labs prior to every appointment they have at the bariatric office. (In the case of the office in which I work, that is at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, and yearly after that.)

You will most likely have to take a multivitamin, a calcium with D, and B12 for the rest of your life.

Yes, definitely, get the labs forwarded to your PCP. But, your bariatric surgeon has specialized knowledge and is experienced in what to watch for.

What kind of surgery did you have?
Leisa L.
on 4/9/12 2:03 am - long beach, CA
RNY on 03/19/12 with
 I had RNY March 19th
(deactivated member)
on 4/9/12 2:28 am - Mexico
On April 9, 2012 at 9:03 AM Pacific Time, Leisa L. wrote:
 I had RNY March 19th
Sorry, that post was to Ktbar.  Yours is on your profile. 

on 4/8/12 7:01 pm - Suffern, NY
I sure hope you are taking alot more than just a multi, calcium with D and B12?

You need a multi without iron 2 times per day, calcium citrate 1500-2000mg per day, large doses of Dry D3 a few times per week or a decent dose daily, carbonyl iron with vitamin C daily, sublingual B12 daily, vitamin B1 daily,

this is a minimum until you get labs and then adjust - most need more


Leisa L.
on 4/8/12 6:07 am - long beach, CA
RNY on 03/19/12 with
 thank you for letting me know that my sergeon will provide me with a lab slip at 3mo, out.  I wasnt sure thats the way it works. I have nothing to worry about.

on 4/8/12 7:02 pm - Suffern, NY
this is the list that I get every 3 months.  Most surgeons only do partial lists and also dont do them nearly often enough

CBC, Comprehesive Metabolic Panel, Iron, TIBC, Iron Sat %, Ferritin, B12, Folate, Vitamin D ( 25 Hydroxy), Phosporus, Calcium, PTH, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Lipid Panel, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, Vitamin B1 (Whole Blood), B6, B2, B3, TSH T4 and T3, HemA1C, cortisol and DHEA.


Leisa L.
on 4/9/12 2:01 am - long beach, CA
RNY on 03/19/12 with
 Thank you for the extensive list.  would like to have a start point to referance back to to see what i am deficiant in now and where i am dropping in the future.


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