hair falling out

on 4/9/12 4:27 am - NC
 Does anyone have any suggestions of what to do about hair loss i know it will come back but my hair has gotten really thin it use to be real thick I have gotten it cut. can anyone recomend a good shampoo or a good hair style  until this passes. I take my vitimans. Thanks  
Lucky Lu
on 4/9/12 4:37 am - Collins, OH
Up your protein intake, use nioxin shampoo, use generic rogain on scalp, take biotin and black currant supplements. Best wishes!
Jackie McGee
on 4/9/12 5:22 am - PA
A short haircut and pretty headbands!

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/12 6:25 am - Mexico
On April 9, 2012 at 12:22 PM Pacific Time, Jackie McGee wrote:
A short haircut and pretty headbands!

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/12 3:36 pm - ND
 Lol, yep!! That's what I did!,
on 4/9/12 5:30 am - Sacramento, CA
Get 80-100 g protein.

Maybe use Nioxin shampoos.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/12 6:15 am - Mexico
On April 9, 2012 at 12:30 PM Pacific Time, ruggie wrote:
Get 80-100 g protein.

Maybe use Nioxin shampoos.
Unless the OP has DS that is too much protein.  What the body does not use it has to burn, just extra calories and hard on the renal system.

As long as someone is getting enough protein, more isn't going to help.

All biotin is going to do is make the new growth come in shinier.

All special shampoos do is clean out the hair follicle well so that the new growth CAN come in.  Losing hair happens with ANY surgery, it can happen with labor and delivery.  It's a side effect of a trauma to the body.  As fast as it starts, it will stop.

on 4/9/12 6:17 am - Sacramento, CA
That's not too much protein at all, especially with exercise.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/12 6:24 am - Mexico
On April 9, 2012 at 1:17 PM Pacific Time, ruggie wrote:
That's not too much protein at all, especially with exercise.
Yeah, actually it is.  Unless you are a body builder you don't need that kind of protein.  Exercise to deal with obesity does not require that kind of protein.

Do as you wish, but no way am I doing that to MY renal system and I don't need more calories to burn because I want to eat enough protein for a body builder who works  out with 200# weights 4 hours a day.

When I was losing 5.5 years ago I was running 10 miles a day and working out building muscle and that was on 60gms of protein a day.  But i wasn't lifting 200# weights and trying to look like Hulk Hogan either.

Goal for over 4 years.
on 4/10/12 3:05 am
Where are you getting the idea that it is hard on the renal system? That's a complete myth. People who HAVE kidney problems are not supposed to eat very high protein diets, but high protein diets DO NOT CAUSE kidney problems. You've got your cause and effect backwards.
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