First support group meeting tonight

on 4/18/12 1:37 am
VSG on 07/02/12
Going to my first support group meeting tonight for those who have had or are considering WLS. Excited to meet people face-to-face who have had different types of surgery -- no offense...I LOVE reading these boards ;)

Getting to check off things on my checklist of things to do before submitting to insurance company. Have my head-to-toe physical next week. Getting very excited!

on 4/18/12 4:48 am
I remember my first support group meeting like it was yesterday!  (and it was over 4 years ago).

I had actually called  the surgeons office to make an appointment to talk about WLS and the secretary said "there's a support group meeting, GO tonite".  And I said something like "duh, ahhh, uhhh, ummmm" and she said "no, GO tonite".  So I did.

And I was pretty much "deer in the headlights".  I was overwhelmed with information and emotion as I recall.  I do remember coming away with thinking "wow, these people are my heroes". 

Anna, you have a wonderful attitude - don't change!

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