
on 4/20/12 11:23 pm - Milwaukee, WI
 I had a Gastric Bypass Revision surgery on 4/13/2012 .... and I'm about 8 days post-op and I am SO hungry. I was down 10 pounds and I've gained back 2 punds already! I need help on trying to train myself to live a healthy lifestyle again. Any feedback on ideas or thoughts would be appreciated! I just spent a ton of money to get this procedure done and I feel like I'm already failing. Please Help.

(deactivated member)
on 4/21/12 1:02 am - PA
 actual hunger and head hunger can be hard to differentiate at first. i rememeber in the beginning feeling like i was hungry, but it was not stomach hunger like before sugery where i could feel my stomach rumble and growl, it was like my head was saying hey look at those people over there eating, you want food too, even though i wasnt hungry, 

now if youre feeling hungry like before surgery than you should talk to your dr because thats not  the best thing, but if you feel like its only head hunger than start tellin yourself youre not really hungry. 

i try to refer to eating a body nourishment, because im not hungry, but i need nourishment. my friends think its a little weird but its the truth. 

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