I think something is wrong

on 4/24/12 12:36 am - brooklyn, NY

Good morning OH...hoping all is well with everyone. I had open gastric bypass on 12/01/2008 and it went great...no complications and weight loss was great. I have put back on a significant amount of weight but no where near what I was and I refuse to beat myself up about it.. I am onlyhuman. However, that is not why  i am posting today. I have been having these vomiting episodes...i think perhaps i may be eating too fast or too much not quite sure but I get this extremely uncomfortable feeling after eating sometimes...usually if it is meat/poultry/veggies....i become extremely nauseated and it is painful ..it is so hard to describe...it is also very painful....its like intervals of excess pain maybe i get 30-45 secs pain free. i start to salivate excessively. it feels as if i have gas and need to belch/burp but iam unable to do so and if i try to swallow back trying to vomit i vomit up very thick globs of saliva....more like mucus but it is clear????......the pain continues and it is unbearable until i have to stick my finger down so i can vomit the food up... I know this is gross but i figure this wpuld be the best place to ask a ?? like this...please reply on any thoughts or opinions you may hae regarding this....it will be greatly appreciated

on 4/24/12 1:29 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I think you answered your own question. It does sound exactly like what happens when you eat too fast. Start practicing taking smaller bites and chewing well - just like when we were newly pre-op. If this doesn't help, I'd put in a call to the surgeon. Good luck to you!

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on 4/24/12 2:38 am - Hamilton, NJ
You could also have a stricture.  I've had several over the years.  You can get them at anytime.  I would check with the doc.
on 4/24/12 2:44 am - brooklyn, NY
what is a stricture?
Mary Catherine
on 4/24/12 3:02 am
 A stricture is when the opening in the pouch closes up.  Food gets stuck.  It is very easily opened up again.  It does sound like you have one.
on 4/24/12 3:06 am - brooklyn, NY

Thanks so much to those of you who took the time to reply ....I appreciate it

on 4/24/12 4:49 am - Midlothian, TX
It does sound very much like a stuck food episode to me.  Could be caused by eating too fast, too much, not chewing well enough or a stricture. It can also be caused by certain types of foods.  For me, any attempt at eating pasta does it to me so I avoid that like the plague.  Steamed broccoli and cauliflower does it too.
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