in search of a new me...

on 4/29/12 9:03 am, edited 4/30/12 7:05 am
Revision on 04/23/12

I am just very blessed for this second chance to get things right.  I had RNY in 2001, but ended up putting back on half the weight by 2006.  I had the lap band put over the pouch and eventually it defected and I needed to have it removed.  So, now I sit here with a new revision of my original bypass, and am feeling eternally grateful for the chance to have a do-over.

I feel great.  My new surgeon, Dr. Constantine Frantzides, rocks!  I had a very complex and complicated surgery due to multiple hernias in addition to the revision.  I had a lot of scar tissue to be navigated and removed...  but, 5 days out I am experiencing absolutely no complications and very little pain.  I have every confidence in my doctor and will diligently follow his instructions to the T!

I do want to say that while he was in there he found a remnant of my lapband that had been removed.  My old surgeon, Dr. Christopher Joyce, performed the placing of the band, a repair surgery, and the removal of the band.  However, an inch-long piece of plastic tubing was discovered in my abdomen during this last and final procedure.  It was left behind by the lap band.  I was quite disturbed to learn about this, but no damage was done and it was found in time before any consequences occured.  Again, I feel blessed.

I am determined to get this right this time.  I know a lot of people don't get this chance, so I am making a promise to make sure this opportunity is not wasted.

I recently opened this new account to reflect my new surgeon...  so, you may see some similarity in a recent post on my old account.  I have been on a clear free liquid diet for a week now, and have 4 days left.  I am truly and honestly going nuts!  But, seeing the weight drop off is motivation enough to keep going.  I am soooo looking forward to a protein shake, though!!!

Anyway, I am looking forward to a new me emerge this year.  I have a lot of love and support...  again, I am truly blessed!  I pray that all of you are successful, and are able to let that healthy person hiding inside of you come out...

Best wishes,

God bless all of our efforts...
on 4/29/12 11:49 pm - Chicago, IL
RNY on 05/07/12
Best of luck to you. I know how it feel s to lost a sustancial amount of weight only to regain it. I myself lost  over 100 pounds in 1999 onmy own but regained that plus an additional 60 or so pounds. I hear that ihe clear diet part is probable the worst of this,i am on protien shakes this week cause my surgery is next week.
 It is wonderful that you where able to find another surgeon that was willing to take you case complications and all.
 Once again Good LUck ttyl.
on 4/30/12 1:52 am
Revision on 04/23/12
Thanks a bunch!  Yes, I am very lucky my doctor agreed to do it.  He said no one else would probably touch me; but, he is an expert in the field (proven by publications and awards) and teaches around the world, so I had a lot of faith in him.  He also invented several laparoscopic instruments that are currently used today, and a new triple-staple technique.  So, again... very, very lucky.  After researching him, I probably would not have gone with anyone else in my situation.  They originally anticipated the surgery to take about 7 hours, but got it done in only 3 1/2...  and, compared to the other surgeries I have had- including a spinal fusion - it was the best and easiest experience of all.

If I understand correctly, you have your surgery coming up here in a few days...  wow!  If you can lose 100 pounds on your own (even though you regained it), you should do great with this!!!  The key is (and where I got of track) is following the rules.  No drinking while eating, no straws, chew chew chew, eat very slowly, and stop before you feel full (because 5 minutes later you'll feel over-full!).  At least that is my experience...

I wish you all the best for your upcoming procedure, and look forward to hearing about your progress...  feel free to pm me anytime!!!
Hope to chat soon...  Davina 

God bless all of our efforts...
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