IT's all my fault...outta denial

Wannabhealthy barbie
on 5/6/12 5:21 am
Doc came back nothing wrong but not enough b12 or vit D. It is my diet and lack of exercise. I slipped into this comfortable wine drinking after work and ordering pizza  for dinner and now I am paying for it BIG time. So my surgeons book says 800 calorie diet and exercise,,,,,I am doing that now and logging my food. But I just wanted to let you know it was all me I was in denial. Now I have to fight to get back down to a resonanable size and I am miserable and completely depressed!
MyLady Heidi
on 5/6/12 8:07 am
I have been eating an 800 calorie dieting for a few weeks now to lose some weight, its not really been that bad. We have official cheat days on Saturdays, yesterday I had some boneless wings as a cheat.  But typically I drin****d tea with loads of lemon during the day and eat a nice healthy dinner, lots of low fat chicken or beef cooked in different manners or in fresh salad.  I have plain greek yogurt with strawberries and walnuts for a snack and generally some low cal pop corn for a bedtime snack.  I have already lost some weight and I have been trying to ride the exercise bike nearly everyday.  I gave up all my protein bars and all white carbs, I am no longer bloated and filled with stinky gas and I feel a lot better.  Eating healthy makes you feel good, like you are in control, and I don't feel hungry or deprived.

If I can do this so can anyone.
Good Luck.
Mary Catherine
on 5/6/12 8:35 am
 I go to 800 calories when I want to lose some weight.  It works pretty quickly for me.
Wannabhealthy barbie
on 5/6/12 9:34 am
IT was recommended to me to use lean cuisines or smartones that are prepackaged since I dont cook to keep an accurate account of my calories for the first week or so until I picked up some better ideas and habits for preparing and eating the right amount of food. So that is what I am doing and I am giving up the wine. With my B12 so low my energy is shot so my workouts work me out but are pitiful compared to what they will be. He it's me I'm back and going to get this weight off again and never see it again!!
Citizen Kim
on 5/6/12 9:52 am, edited 5/6/12 12:29 am - Castle Rock, CO
There's really not enough protein in packaged food for you to be able to get the intake you need (80-90g per day).

Take a look at some of the recipe blogs to get ideas quickly - your body will thank you!

ETA: Of course you can take the advice of people that are frequently on 800 calorie diets or someone who has NEVER had to do that in 8 years - your choice!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Mary Catherine
on 5/6/12 11:21 am
 Don't worry about getting a certain amount of protein grams when you are on a 800 calorie weight loss program years out from surgery.  You are not going to get a protein deficiency.  You are just going to lose weight.  I quit worrying about counting protein grams years ago.  I eat a balanced diet heavy in fruits and vegetables and light in meats and starches.  My labs are all great, I have lots of energy and look, feel and act years younger than my biological age.

Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones are your friends when on a low calorie program.  Companies like Weigh****chers are in business to help people lose weight.  They know how to do it.  Very few recipes on the internet or in books are suitable for a person who does not cook and who wants to have only a single serving.  For me, cooking often leads to overeating.  I let the frozen food and other food companies cook, bake and measure for me.

Individual servings are wonderful for me.  Light and Fit Yogurts, frozen meals, Smart Ones frozen desserts, sugarfree jello, 100 calorie servings of chips, cookies, juices, candy, and other snacks.  I plan my meals for the week, make a detailed list, purchase the groceries and spend as little time as possible shopping or cooking.  

Tracking my food and exercise keeps me honest.  I have the Livestrong app on my iphone and use it faithfully.  

My number one tip to get to goal and stay there: Weigh Yourself Every Day!!!

If you know what you weigh, you can stay accountable.  If you avoid the scale the pounds can sneak up silently.  If you think you are doing the right things and still gaining weight, then the scale can say, "this is not working" and you can figure out why.  This is a journey.  We don't reach the end and go back to mindless eating.  We don't stay on a program that is not working.  

Our surgery is a tool and once we go on a controlled program we have a tiny pouch and altered digestive system that will make things so much easier for us.  Think of your old stomach as a 2-liter bottle of soda.  It takes a lot to fill that up.  Your fully grown pouch is about the size of a large egg.  A cup or cup of a half of food can be enough to keep us full for hours.  That is an advantage that non-surgery people do not have. 

You can lose the rest of your overweight, get to goal and stay there.  It is not as hard as it seems.  Just start where you are, take baby steps and learn how to do this.  It is easier than you think.

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