Say what?

on 5/14/12 12:00 pm
Revision on 04/23/12
So I am three weeks out of an rny revision and on the soft protein diet...  My pouch was not touched because they said it was the right size that it should be...  not stretched or anything.  But, believe me... before my revision I could eat more than I should have been able to, so I am pretty disappointed they didn't do anything with that...  Anyway...

I am sitting here at home while my husband is at work.  I have been diligently doing the 2 Tbsp soft food 3 times a day, and 3 protein shakes.  Supplemented, of course, with water and no calorie no sugar fluids.  Tonight, though, I needed more.  Like I said, my tummy is the same size it was before, so it is expecting more food...  I don't have a freshly stapled stomach to make me not hungry or think about food.  All in all I am doing good...  I walk A LOT, drink my fluids, and even stopped using milk in my protein shakes...  now jus****er.  So, where am I going with this?

I slipped and had 2 egg whites scrambled with cheese.  I felt guilty so I texted my husband and told him what I did and that I felt helpless.  He sent me back...

WTF ???

I don't know what that is supposed to mean...  I can't keep texting back and forth while he is at work to go into it and find out what he was referring to...  the fact that I slipped and how horrible that is?  The fact that I was feeling helpless and shouldn't be?  What I chose to eat, or that I ate it at all???  I am at a loss...

I messed up.  That's all I can say.  At least it was protein, and only a small amount.  My thought is that anyone eating this little should be losing weight...  with or without bypass surgery.   I am going through an adjustment period and finding it a little difficult at times.  So, I thought I would reach out...  I'm just not sure what I grabbed on to...

Sorry for rambling...  I probably don't make any sense.  Just trying to make it, day by day...

God bless all of our efforts...
on 5/14/12 12:42 pm - OH
What kind of revision did you have?  If they didn't change your pouch size, why are you supposed to limit your intake to two tablespoons?  I would have a really hard time eating that little.  At 3.5 years out, my pouch can hold a lot more than that.  I'd be starving if I tried to eat that little.

I'm not saying you should eat more.  I'm just wondering why you need to eat such small amounts if your pouch is still the normal size.

As far as what your husband meant by his text, I have no idea.  You would know better than anyone here, I think, since you know him.  But it might be best to wait until he gets home from work to talk to him about it and not assume he meant something negative or critical.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 5/14/12 4:04 pm
Revision on 04/23/12

I just wanted to make sure you got the post I attached to the last post...  I am not really sure how it works...  Do I reply to the original post and everyone gets notified, or do I need to do them individually?  Or, like I just did replying to her post, and then everyone above gets it?

Anyway, if I did it wrong go to the post after the next post for the answers to your questions...  They were pretty much the same!

And if you have a sec, please let me know if I did it right!

Thanks a bunch...

God bless all of our efforts...
on 5/14/12 3:18 pm - Eugene, OR
I'm also wondering what sort of revision you had -- from what to what -- and how you are supposed to survive on 2 TBSP of food at a time.  I was allowed more than that right off the bat on my RNY.  I was supposed to eat 5-6 times a day and I could have 3-4 oz of very soft food (yogurt, applesauce, protein shakes, etc.). I know you're probably upset about not following doctor's orders, but it's kind of hard to understand what sort of surgery you're recovering from.  I think that by three weeks out of RNY, I was beginning to eat things like scrambled eggs, etc.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 5/14/12 4:00 pm
Revision on 04/23/12

What happened is I went from a short limb rny to a long limb rny.  He bypassed more intestine...  my original surgery was at the minimum, and now it is at the maximum allowed to be bypassed.  The intention was to do the pouch, too...  so, I was very disappointed to find out it wasn't. 

I truly have no answer why I need to be eating this way.  It is barely tolerable sometimes (although strangely okay most of the time).  But, I could starve myself without the bypass this way and should still lose weight.  It just happens that I originally misunderstood and when I started my soft diet 1 week after surgery, I did eat small portions several times a day.  I lost absolutely NO weight, so I called the doctor's office and asked why not. That's when I learned that I was supposed to be doing the 2 Tbsp thing.

I knew it sounded odd.  I see the doc on Thursday...  so, I will clarify this and make them go over it with me from the very beginning so there is no more misunderstanding.  I don't think I can continue like this too much longer...

Thank you both so much for your feedback!  Yeah, I will tackle the hubby thing when he gets up in the morning (turns out he is doing OT until 4 am!)  I suppose I shouldn't be too worried about it...  sounds like my diet needs a little more attention right now!

I appreciate very much your thoughts on the subject!!!  I'll post again when I have more info...


God bless all of our efforts...
on 5/14/12 7:09 pm
EAT---your body needs protein.
on 5/14/12 4:04 pm - Eugene, OR
Glad to hear you'll be going back to the doc soon.  That sounds like an insanely small amount of food to be eating at three weeks post op, but perhaps he has his reasons.  In the meanwhile, I wouldn't get too upset with what you did.  And yes, do clarify what the WTF meant in the morning!

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 5/15/12 2:10 am
 I'm not saying that your center gave you the correct advise, but honestly, if you went against their advise and told your husband, were you expecting a pat on the back?  I am seriously not trying to be mean, but from what I understand you broke rules and are surprised that your husband is not impressed?  He is probably afraid that you may have done something to hurt yourself.  Again, I'm not too confident that the instructions for eating that you have are good ones, but they are after all your instructions and you didn't follow them.

Best wishes.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


(deactivated member)
on 5/15/12 3:55 am - WA
I don't think she was looking for a pat on the back or her husband to be impressed. I think she was looking for understanding and support, perhaps sprinkled with forgiveness and a helping hand back up. And the one person you think should be that way is your spouse. One bad decison doen't negate a slew of good ones. just dust yourself off and learn from your mistake, carry on 
on 5/15/12 6:49 am
To Muzzled and the Original Poster,

My intent was not to be unkind and I'm sorry if I came off that way.  My feeling was that her husband was afraid for her and I didn't think she understood that and was just hurt.  In the beginning I was surprised at just how strict her diet was and hadn't thought that she had done anything remotely dangerous.

Again, I apologize for coming off as being judgemental, its not my usual style.

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


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