Need Inspiration

on 6/18/12 12:58 am
I had my surgery (RNY) 5.5 years ago.  I lost almost 100 lbs.  I kept it off for several years.  Then it started creeping back but had steadied out at a 15 lb. regain.  But recently, over the past 6 months, I've put on another 25 or so. I am very uncomfortable in this body, again, and don't want to go out, wear shorts, ect.  I have been eating poorly and not exercising. So the reason I put it on is not a mystery.  But I have it in my head, that like old times, if I exercise and eat right, I still won't be able to take it off again.

What I'm looking for is inspiration: someone who has put weight back on but was successful in taking it off again. Is there anyone out there like that?!?!??!
on 6/18/12 2:11 am

I keep gaining and loosing the same 5-8 lbs., but that is because when I started to gain them back I resolved to myself I would not let it go above 10 lbs.  This way I don't get too depressed about it, I feel more like I'm right where I'm supposed to be, until I can figure out my next move anyway.  At least I stopped it from getting out of hand.  It will always be a battle, don't be too hard on yourself keep trying and you'll find something to either stop the weight gain or at least control it.  Good luck!

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