Question: Are there any Kidney transplant pts that had a Lap Band or Sleeve Surgery?

Alese M.
on 6/22/12 10:15 am - FL
I am a female, 69 yo who had a Pancreas/Kidney transplant for complications of diabetes and kidney failure.   I was on dialysis for 1.5 yrs before I had this txp surgery 9 yrs ago on 4/21/03...This surgery has been successful to this date...but I always worry because of my wt. .I do have 100 lbs of wt to lose so have taken the step to see a bariatric surgeon and am following the protocol before approval and surgery date.  I am a newbie....
Are there other transplant pts who have had  or waiting for bariatric surgery to improve their health and possibly reverse any complications? 

Anyone who has had a transplant of any kind would be welcome to post here.

If any questions you have let me know.

Because of the anti-rejection meds I am on, for life, the lap band or the sleeve are the only bariatric procedures I can have due to the absorption needed for these meds.  The RNY would not allow any absorption...

Thanks, alese (in SE Florida)...

on 6/22/12 12:56 pm
Welcome to the forum.

I do not have had a transplant or such.  I did have WLS though :) - RNY.

If your choice is between a lapband or a sleeve....please, please, please choose the sleeve.  I have read too many posts of lapbanders having problems and having to revise to another surgery.  As well, the upper limit of a lapband is 10 years (if you have not had complications before that time), and then you would need a replacement.

Good luck in your decision making.

Alese M.
on 6/22/12 1:24 pm - FL

Thank you Judy.....

I wanted the sleeve but my insurance said "NO"...I was so disappointed and deflated....I've read those negatives too and it appears the sleeve is the best option with no foreign object in your body and not having to "diet" like in the I must think positive now and go with the lapband.

Thanks again for your advice.  Hope your doing well.


on 6/23/12 1:34 am
Oh, okay, Sorry, I thought you had an option.

Please remember that with any of the WLS you will need to follow a diet program, what you should eat to stay healthy and what to stay away from.

Good luck.

Laura in Texas
on 6/22/12 10:33 pm
I know seattledeb had RNY to lose weight before her transplant. She posts a lot of the RNY board, but not sure if she checks this one.

My mom had lap band a few years ago (different surgeon than mine). My surgeon said she should have RNY due to her age (he believes lap band is mostly successful in highly motivated 20-somethings). He was right in my mom's case. She hasn't lost anything.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Alese M.
on 6/23/12 8:08 am - FL
Thanks Laura.....

Great information especially reading about the success of highly motivated 20-somethings.  I believe that would be a true statement as I have been thru all the diets.

I am going to save this response as a informative response and value its message...



Nic M
on 6/23/12 1:58 am
A VERY COMMON complication that occurs with the lapband is referred left shoulder pain. The pain stems from the Vagus nerves that run from the base of the skull down through the diaphragm and into the stomach. The band is in such close proximity to these nerves that it can't help but irritate them. It's a horrible pain and like I said, it's becoming very common. Even people who have had no problems for a year or two can suddenly start experiencing this.

I wouldn't recommend the lapband under ANY cir****tances, personally. It's far more damaging than the advertising would lead you to believe. I'd hate to see you have to go through more pain and suffering than you already have.

I do wish you the best... but I would be remiss if I didn't try to at least warn you away from lapbanding.

Take care,


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 6/23/12 3:19 am
RNY on 02/28/13
 Hi there-

I found this article about wls after transplants: y-transplants.html 

It said that immunosuppressive therapy was not affected. I think 5 of the patients studied had gastric bypass and one had the sleeve. Does your insurance approve gastric bypass? Did your nephrologist say that the anti-rejections would be a problem because of malabsorption? I know that that is always a worry.

Just wanted to share!

Pam :)

"B" bears' mama from Texas
Follow my journey on youtube: "bbearsmama" 

SW: 210 CW: 123.6

Alese M.
on 6/23/12 11:13 am - FL

Thank you Everyone who has posted...

I appreciate all the caring and sharing that you wrote.  I looked at the website regarding WLS and Transplanting which was so interesting and informative....

Now I am hoping Medicare will approve the sleeve as I feel, as well you all do, that this is the best and most effective wls option of today....I don't want to lose my new organs that gave me a new life.....

I want to thank each an everyone of you.  You gave me some powerful advice.


alese (near Fort Lauderale, FL)

(deactivated member)
on 6/23/12 1:05 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
You are so very welcome
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