Short Downtime - Server Went Kaput

Shravan Panyam
on 8/7/12 6:56 am, edited 8/7/12 6:57 am - Irvine, CA
Hey all, one of our database servers went down for about 30 mins inbetween, which might have caused the whole website to be down for some of you. It's all back up and working fine now, but if anyone you know is still having issues getting into the site, asking them to clear their cookies should work. I was personally having this issue with a "cookie has been tampered with" error and the "missing parts" page, even though the site was supposed to be fully functional. But as soon as I cleared cookies, it worked.

ObesityHelp Developer

Generic User_Name
on 8/8/12 1:08 am
 Oops!!!  Glad you were able to minimize downtime.

on 8/7/12 9:26 pm
 Like your avatar, Shravan.  LOL.  
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