10 days post op

katie G.
on 9/21/12 12:45 pm
I had my fisrt post op f/u today. I am down 12 lbs since my last preop weight-in YAY. Im officially 50 lbs down from my highest non-preg weight and honestly dont remember the last time i was anywhere near 230lbs. Im excited for all the milestones scale and non scale to come! Most importantly im excited about running around and keeping up w my three year old! Im out of wor****il oct 11th... getting a little emotional about feeling kinda helpless becquse of the fatigue but it has been 110% worth it this far out with a ton to look foward to!
(deactivated member)
on 9/21/12 6:42 am
The fatigue does kick you in the butt in the beginning.  It took me about 2 months to a point I wasn't worn out, but I am 59 and had my gallbladder out at the same time also.  Had my surgery this May. 
This surgery is so worth it!  You have a great attitude and you don't need to have surgery to get worn out by a 3 year old that's for sure!  Being emotional is a big thing too but as time goes by things will get better and the routine will get easier.  Take care, Jane
on 9/21/12 1:56 pm - Watauga, TX
RNY on 09/06/12
Congrats on the weight loss!! 12 lbs is a great start...keep up the good work.

HW...265....SW...260....CW....229....RNY on 9/06/12


on 9/22/12 2:31 am
With a three year old, you may need more than 4 weeks off of work!  Take your naps when you feel tired.  

Congrats on your weight loss.  For me, the first week post-op I lost the weight of the extra fluids that they pumped into me in the hospital.

katie G.
on 9/22/12 8:13 am
I came home 6 lbs heavier than i went in.... didnt count that as gain or loss it was gone after 1week
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